
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Request alternate position key signature when using begin repeat sign rio3333 20 1 year ago
Forum topic Grace Note after not working rio3333 1 1 year ago
Forum topic using templates made in version 3 in new version 4 rio3333 6 1 year ago
Forum topic using different time signatures in same score. rio3333 2 4 years ago
Issue Staff texts after the first are ignored in multimeasure rests rio3333 22 5 years ago
Forum topic Double time signature after deleting system break viola1994 11 5 years ago
Issue Still not combining measure when the measure number bracket is used in parts. Worked before but is not working now. rio3333 6 5 years ago
Issue Header/Footer can't be relocated within the top/bottom border. rio3333 1 5 years ago
Issue Multimeasure not working when ending bracket is used rio3333 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Header Problem rio3333 2 5 years ago
Issue Short instrument name used for first system if title frame present rio3333 15 6 years ago
Forum topic using 1 and 5 line drum staff in one part rio3333 1 8 years ago
Issue repeats not displaying in parts if barlines span staves when parts are generated rio3333 11 9 years ago
Issue wavy lines don't draw diagonal, regardless of the setting of "allow diagonal" rio3333 8 9 years ago
Forum topic new template menu rio3333 1 9 years ago
Forum topic changing key signature in Staff Properties Palette rio3333 2 9 years ago
Forum topic mutiple time signatures in same score for different instruments rio3333 2 9 years ago
Forum topic new features rio3333 1 10 years ago