Time signature
creation example snippet
See Time Signature Enforcer for a plugin that uses the cmd
interface to manipulate the timesigActual
of a measure.
Seems not working:
the setFraction() function, cannot set measure's "timesigNominal","timesigActual","timesig","timesigGlobal","timesigStretch"
import MuseScore 3.0 import QtQuick 2.9 MuseScore { menuPath: "Plugins.debug" onRun: { var c=curScore.newCursor() c.inputStateMode=Cursor.INPUT_STATE_SYNC_WITH_SCORE ;["timesigNominal" ,"timesigActual" ,"timesig" ,"timesigGlobal" ,"timesigStretch" ].map(function _(n){ console.log('___'+n) var p=c.measure[n] //eg c.measure.timesigNominal for (var x in p) console.log(x,": ",p[x]) curScore.startCmd() c.measure[n].setFraction( fraction(2,2) ) curScore.endCmd() for (var x in p) console.log(x,": ",p[x]) }) }