Text types

Updated 10 months ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Text types.

    A Musescore Text object is an object that contains individual characters that can be entered and removed by using (typing on) a computer keyboard, it can be functional. Text may also be found incorporated into Musescore Lines object.
    For general engraving or visual display purpose, it is recommended to use Staff text and System text.
    Different types of text-based objects are not interchangeable: They have distinct property fields that serves different purpose besides engraving or visual display. For example, a mp using Staff Text can never be configured to change playback loudness because it does not have the Velocity property, you must create a new Dynamics text which has the Velocity property if want the text to affect playback loudness.
    Use the following chart to decide which type you need.
    To check the type: select a text, its type is displayed on the status bar.

    The word "playback" used below means in-program audio created by Synthesizer.
    The following types are explored in this chapter. Read on to know how to create, format and edit them:

    Text type Uses
    Staff text General purpose text, when attached to a single staff will appear in Parts that feature that staff. Can be setup to change playback sound samples, change playback to use capo transposition, or change playback to use Swing.
    System text General purpose text appearing in all Parts. Offer same function as Staff Text
    Chord symbols Display the chords associated with a melody: usually above the staff, provides chord playback (notes automatically decided).
    Fingering Numbers or letters attached to notes showing which fingers to use.
    Lyrics Create lyrics attached to a melody. Correctly engraved Melisma that automatically follow notes.
    Rehearsal marks Facilitate rehearsals, divide score into sections, bookmark passages etc.

    These types are explored in their respective chapters:

    Text type Uses
    Expression button on the Text Palette It is a styled Staff text, same function (and limitation) as such.
    Tempo marks Change the playback tempo. Apply metronome and/or expression marks.
    Dynamics Change the playback loudness of a note or phrase.
    Mid-staff sound (channel) change text For example the pizz. button on the Text Palette. It is a pre-configured Staff Text that change playback sound samples.
    Instrument text Not to be confused with Mid-staff sound (channel) change text. Instrument text indicate that the musician should change instrument. Can be setup to change Instrument (MuseScore abstraction), or change playback sound samples.
    Figured bass Period notation for keyboarders.
    Frame text Title/composer/lyricist details at the start of a score; songsheet lyrics etc.
    Headers/Footers Page numbers, copyright info etc. at the top/bottom of a page.
    Repeats and jumps Da Capo, Dal segno, Fine etc.
    Roman Numeral Analysis (RNA) A chord analysis system.
    Sticking Letters (L and R) attached to (drum) notes showing which hand or foot to use.
    Swing text Change from straight to swing time, and vice versa.
    Text-lines Voltas, ottavas, pedal lines, guitar barre lines etc.

    See also

    Notation types

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