Dấu Volta

Updated 1 year ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Dấu Volta.

    Volta brackets, or first and second ending brackets are used to mark different endings for a repeat.

    Sample first and second endings

    To place a volta bracket on the score, drag-and-drop the item from the Lines palette.

    The brackets can span more than one measure. Double-click the volta to enter edit mode, and move the handles with:

    • one measure right Shift+
    • one measure left Shift+

    These commands move the "logical" start or end of the volta bracket, which determines playback in MuseScore and layout over multiple systems. Moving the handles using the left or right arrows keys only, or using the mouse allows finer adjustments, but does not change how the repeat is played.

    If you move the handles, a dashed line from the logical position to the actual position is shown

    Second-ending volta in edit mode


    You can change the text and many other properties of a volta bracket using the line properties dialog. Right-click on a volta bracket and choose Line Properties.... The figure below shows the volta text as "1.-5."

    Line Properties dialog

    Sample first-through-fifth ending followed by sixth ending

    You can also right-click on the volta and bring up the volta properties dialog. From here, you can change both the displayed Volta text (the same from the line properties above) and the repeat list. If you want one volta to be played only on certain repeats and another volta on other repeats, enter the repeat times in a comma separated list. In the example below, this volta will be played during repeat 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7. Another volta will have the other ending, like 3, 6 and possibly other higher numbers like 8, 9, etc.

    Volta Properties dialog


    Sometimes a repeat plays more than two times. In the figure above, the volta text indicates that it should play five times before it continues. If you want to change the number of times MuseScore plays a repeat, go to the measure containing the end repeat bar line and change its Repeat count (see Measure operations: Other properties for details).

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