Google Summer of Code 2017


Update: Google Summer of Code 2017 is over. Read about an intermediate state of GSoC 2017 (a final report hasn't been written).

MuseScore is part of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2017! If you are a student and you have aspirations to help improve the open source MuseScore notation software during the summertime, this is a unique opportunity to work together with the MuseScore developers and get paid for it. Learn how GSoC works and read through the student manual


If you are considering applying, we have a list of ideas you can choose from. We'd love if you apply with your own idea. Don’t hesitate to contact the potential mentors from the ideas list or contact us via IRC (#musescore on, via the developer mailing list. We also have a document listing the Steps Toward a Successful Application, make sure to read it!

Don't let yourself be scared off by the knowledge prerequisites; you don’t need to be an expert in all domains, and there is some time for learning within the GSoC period. However, familiarity with Qt/C++ and interest in music and music notation will be helpful. If you still have doubts, read Am I good Enough?
