To change the appearance of Musescore user interface, see Preferences instead.
To edit sound samples, see SoundFonts and SFZ files instead.
A computer font (font family, font face, typeface) is a digital data file containing a set of characters or symbols. This chapter discusses score object's font assignment method and option and others. Usage of font data depends on,
Font file cannot be embedded into a score file.
Musescore Text object contains individual characters that can be entered and removed by using (typing on) a computer keyboard. Some subtypes have specialized automatic formatting feature eg chord symbol rendering style and Roman Numeral Analysis auto formatting.
Characters in a Text object are either plain or special characters.
Plain characters, entered using a computer keyboard.
Musical text and symbols (special characters, professional glyphs) that are not on computer keyboard should be added from Symbols and special characters → Common Symbols and Musical Symbols tabs in Text editing mode, or using Keyboard shortcuts. eg Segno, Coda, ottavas, dynamics etc among other pre-configured Palette items. They are not unicode characters. Special internal encodings such as <sym> are used to provide
Advanced users can add plain characters that look like special characters but do not have these program features. They are under unicode Private Use Area (PUA) and can be added from Symbols and special characters →Unicode tab in Text editing mode, and under Master palette → Symbol category.
Score objects are not Musescore Text if they cannot be edited using (typing on) a computer keyboard.
Font assignment in Inspector (musescore 3), Properties panel (musescore 4), Format → Style → [item] and Format → Style → Text Styles → [item]. See the Layout and formatting and Text styles and properties chapters.
Font options can use
Fonts designed specifically for musical notation are required to display them.
Font assignments of Text's special characters portions and Non-Text are a global setting. Special characters ignore inspector fontface assignment.
Font options can use
Using updated font version is covered in, and Score files (*.mscz) using them may render poorly on other machines, because the modified font files are not embedded into the score file. To install a new font file onto an OS, refer to the instructions written for that OS.
Valid for Musescore 3.6.2 only. How can I add third party SMuFL Fonts? covers how to use a 3.7 fork to use fonts installed on the OS directly.
Musescore create in-app user interface, and musical symbols and notation on score, with data content from font files. Some fonts are invented by Musescore project development team for Musescore and maintained by the team. Some fonts are from other companies, the team does not edit their content at all. Read the readme file . Musescore software development focuses on engraving creation, based on real world notation popularity and significance, it does not aim to create support for every symbols included in any one particular font.
Musescore program is shipped with a limited set of font due to licensing reason.
Emmentaler has been renamed as "mscore" after musescore 3.6.2
Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL) is a standard way of mapping the thousands of musical symbols required by conventional music notation, to the code-points of Private Use Area (PUA, wikipedia) in Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane. It improves font format independence. The SMuFL standard itself is not managed by the Musescore project development team.
"Musical text" is a component of Musescore's implementation, the internal encoding schema does not conform to any standard, research the musescore 3.6.2 archived source code
MIDI导入面板出现在屏幕底部:您可以通过向上拖动带有文档窗口的界面来展开。面板显示文件中的所有轨道(仅显示带有音符事件的轨道),并允许您调整影响转换过程的参数。 若有多个轨道,那么会在列表顶部再添加一个轨道,以便一次选择所有轨道。
如果您在更改临时生成的结果乐谱后重新导入文件,MuseScore将提示您如何处理修改后的乐谱:将其保存在某个地方,丢弃或取消。保存 选项将修改后的分数保存到\bin目录中的Musescore文件,而不修改原始MIDI文件。然后,它将重新导入原始MIDI文件并应用导入面板设定。导入面板设置不应用于已经保存的文件。丢弃选项将撤销您对Musecore文件的更改,然后重新导入原始MIDI文件并应用新设置。取消选项将在第一个标签页中重新导入原始MIDI文件并应用任何导入面板设置,然后使用修改后的乐谱创建一个新标签页,但不应用任何导入面板设置。 第二个选项卡与点击保存,然后打开保存的文件相同。因此,您无法将导入面板设置应用于用户修改后的乐谱。您必须首先应用导入面板设置,对乐谱进行任意更改,然后使用标准打开/保存/导出/打印 命令来保存乐谱。
鼠标滚轮滚动(MIDI导入面板):默认垂直滚动。要水平滚动,请在滚动滚轮时按下Shift或Ctrl 。
这种量化方案允许充分量化分数中的所有 (不同时值的)音符。
中的算法错误)。此选项仅适用于非鼓乐轨道。To setup a transposing instrument, visit Staff / Part properties instead.
The default tuning is equal temperament (12-EDO/12-TET), and the default concert pitch setting is A4 = 440Hz. Concert pitch is configurable in synthesizer.
MuseScore supports tuning systems such as Just intonation, Pythagorean tuning, and Scordatura etc. indirectly, see create desired playback below.
Default notation uses 7 accidentals: ♭ (flat), ♮ (natural), ♯ (sharp), 𝄪 (double sharp), 𝄫 (double flat), ♯𝄪 (triple sharp), ♭𝄫 (triple flat), see source code.
You can add these 7 accidentals using any of the following:
See the main chapter Accidentals for more information.
MuseScore supports microtonal notation systems such as Helmstolk Ellis notation, Johnston notation etc., so that tuning systems such as Just intonation, Pythagorean tuning etc can be notated precisely. MuseScore development focuses on engraving support, rather than playback support, see create desired playback below.
Professional glyphs of some SMuFL (Wikipedia) symbols are shipped with Musescore, add them by using any of the following:
Note: Adding symbols other than the 7 accidentals used in the default notation system may damage compatibility with plugins such as Chord Identifier (Pop Jazz), because of the implicit change explained in microtonal playback below.
To create desired playback for a custom tuning or notation system, use one of the following methods:
With some tweaking, you can create desired playback on a whole score or a phrase to:
To create the desired playback, use:
Direct playback of microtonal notation is not supported, create desired playback by using:
Points to consider when adjusting Tuning property.
Alternatively, use a software in microtonal composition and playback such as Mus2, see a list on Xenharmonic Wiki.
Tuning, Temperament, Intonation, Notation, EDO (Equal Division of the Octave), TET (Tone Equal Temperament), HEJI (Helmholtz-Ellis Just Intonation), HEWM (Helmholtz-Ellis-Wolf-Monzo), Sagittal notation system, Stein, Dicot, Porcupine, Meantone, Superpyth, Well-tempered.
专辑管理器允许您准备多个乐谱的列表,并将列表保存为相册文件(“*.album”), 将所有乐谱打印为一个页面编号一致的长打印作业,甚至将乐谱合并到一个新的MSCZ乐谱中。这是准备练习册或结合编排的多个乐章的理想选择。
要打开专辑管理器,请前往文件 → 专辑...
1.要创建一份新专辑,单击新建按钮。在"专辑名称:" 输入框填写标题。
2. 要往专辑内加入乐谱,单击添加乐谱。将会弹出一个文件选择对话框并让您从您的文件系统选择一份或多份乐谱。单击OK。
3. 您添加的乐谱将显示于专辑管理器的一个列表中。您可以选择一个乐谱后单击上或下按钮来重新排序。
若您之前已经创建了一个专辑,您可以通过单击专辑管理器的载入 按钮打开专辑。之后将会弹出一个文件选择对话框以使您可以从文件系统载入.album文件。
要按现有顺序打印一整个专辑的所有乐谱,请单击打印专辑。打印时会忽略在样式 → 页面设置... → 首页页数设置过的除首页之外的页数偏移。可双面打印。
要将多份乐谱合并入单个.mscz文件,单击加入乐谱。所选的乐谱将按照选中顺序合并入单个乐谱。如果尚未出现,则会将行节符与空位符以及分节符添加到合并文件中每个乐谱的最后一个小节或占位符 中。所有样式设置都取自首个乐谱,与后续乐谱不同的样式设置将被忽略。
在正常情况下,所有乐谱应当有相同数量的分谱和谱表,理想情况下会有同样的配器顺序。倘若乐谱有相同数量但不同种类或不同顺序的乐器,那么第一个乐谱中的乐器名称将覆盖后续乐谱中的乐器名称。 如果一些乐谱的乐器比第一个乐谱少,那么将为这些乐谱创建空五线谱。 任何不在第一份乐谱中的分谱或谱表都将在加入乐谱后丢失。
在单击关闭按钮后,您会被提示将您的专辑保存为一个.album文件。此文件不同于加入的乐谱,而只是简单囊括了乐谱列表。专辑文件可按照上文所述 载入专辑管理器。
"智能对比"是 结果显示模式的默认选项:它以人类易读格式展示差异(例:“小节 1:音符:属性 pitch 改变 从 B4 变为 C5”)。若您偏爱以XML代码展示的对比结果,请将结果显示模式选项更改为"原始对比数据"。
This meta tag is not present in the main score and thus is not available for use in its header/footer or in an added part name box in the top vertical frame, unless manually added as a new tag to its score properties.
您可以通过主菜单自定义MuseScore的许多默认行为: 编辑→设置...(Mac:MuseScore→设置...)。
使用“谱面谱面偏好设置”为乐谱背景和纸张设置喜爱的颜色和壁纸。默认的“背景”是深蓝色(RGB 20, 36, 51; Alpha 255)同时默认的“纸张”为白色。
Midi遥控使您可以使用MIDI键盘上的某些键输入音符和休止符,并选择音符时值,而不使用计算机鼠标或(计算机)键盘。 默认设置为关闭。
注:(1) “清除”选项关闭了当前MuseScore会话中的所有绿色按钮,但保留了所有用户录制的MIDI键设置,并将在下一次会话中重新加载。
(2) 激活的MIDI键设置之后无法关闭,绿色按钮将始终保持亮起。然而,再次使用红色按钮,可以用不同的MIDI键覆盖它。
(3) 如果同一MIDI键意外分配给多个选项,则所有相关的绿色按钮将保持亮起,尽管只有一个按钮可以工作。要修复,请参阅“注(2)”。
这将会生成名为“<标题>" + "-" + "<分谱名>.<扩展名>”的文件。此外,当导出为PDF时,也会生成"<标题>" + "-总谱与分谱.pdf".
分谱是与乐谱相关连的,即改变了其中的一个,另一个也会随之改变,但是这种情况不包括对版面的调整。 当您业已创建分谱,版面调整是每个乐谱单独保存的(若您打开了带有多个分谱标签页的乐谱)。
附件 | 大小 |
Part_Creation5_en.png | 10.48 KB |
Part_Creation4_en.png | 11.28 KB |
Part_Creation3_en.png | 11.06 KB |
Part_Creation2_en.png | 10.36 KB |
Part_Creation1_en.png | 10.01 KB |
Parts-create-all_en.png | 18.89 KB |
Parts-create-voices_en.png | 19.64 KB |
Parts_create_All_Parts_en.png | 48.29 KB |
Parts_create_Single_Part_en.png | 51.83 KB |
注:此页面仅适用于MuseScore 3.1及以上版本。3.1之前版本的用户应前往到品格图(3.1版之前)。
Note: This range of chord diagrams, or indeed any selection of 21 chords, would not typically be sufficient for publication purposes. Arrangers must consider many other voicings, positions, and chord qualities. This palette is also an example of the diverse diagram formats in use, as discussed above. These 21 chords happen to incorporate open/mute string indicators (the X and O symbols above the diagrams). Although those symbols do often appear in published scores, their usage varies by context. For example, jazz arrangements generally omit mute string indicators, unless contextually important, and rarely use open strings.
Additional palettes that contain a broader range of standard chords are expected be available in the future. These would try to address the needs of specific musical genres and situations.
Note 1: A field on the Chord Symbols style page (Style submenu: select Format→Style…→Chord symbols) – rather than on the Fretboard Diagrams style page – controls the chord symbol's "Distance to Fretboard Diagram". This value interacts with the Element "Minimum distance" field, within the Inspector, to control automatic placement of the chord symbol relative to the diagram. Note also that the Fretboard Diagram's "top edge" includes the blank space where open/mute string indicators would appear, even if that area is empty. This may leave a larger gap than is desired. As usual, manual placement can be used to override the automatic settings.
Note 2: Automatic chord symbols generated for Fretboard Diagrams are not completely integrated with normal Chord Symbols that may be directly associated with notes on the staff. Specifically, focus does not flow from a Fretboard Diagram's chord symbol back to the sequence of other symbols on the page when using Space to move through the chord symbols. This minor issue will be addressed in a future update.)
Fretboard Diagram的位置可在编辑模式中使用键盘箭头进行调整;或用检视器顶部“元素”部分中的纵横偏移量进行调整。
Fretboard Diagrams的某些默认和全局属性(见下文图表)可以从样式下的子菜单进行调整:选择格式→样式…→品格图。其中一些属性可以通过检视器进行覆盖;但大多数影响乐谱中的所有品格图。
Below is an example of the Inspector with a Fretboard Diagram selected.
Some arrangers and educators use a more advanced form of Fretboard Diagram that a) incorporates multiple types of "dot", and that b) allows multiple dots per string.
This technique is particularly associated with the many books and arrangements published by Ted Greene and his successors. (Note: No other notation software currently supports this diagram style.)
Multi-dot notation style. With this approach, the round dots are played first. Then, on successive beats, the notes represented by the other dots are then played in order. This allows a single diagram to represent several beats of music. (The usual sequence is: dot→X→square→delta. Usage varies however.) Here are two examples of multi-dot diagrams.
可选音符符号样式。Another use of multiple dots per string allows other symbols to show optional notes, rather than delayed notes. Typically, a related chord voicing is shown, such as an optional extension or an optional rootless chord version. Here is an example of an optional extension.
MuseScore Fretboard Diagrams allow the creation of these and other types of multi-symbol diagrams. A chord is first created and edited using the basic steps described above. Then, the multiple dot buttons above the diagram are used to add secondary notes.
(Note: Experienced users of Ted Greene style diagrams will find that several secondary features from Ted's diagrams are not yet supported in MuseScore. These include: a. Displaying the fret number on a higher fret than the first visible fret. b. Allowing the note symbols to include digits, not just the four dot styles currently supported. c. Allowing the creation of annotation on and between diagrams, such as circling a particular note, or drawing lines linking notes in adjacent diagrams. However, MuseScore does provide many tools for drawing and annotation that can serve in place of these techniques.)
(Note: Because multi-note symbols are not standardized, even within the Ted Greene community, users must be careful to indicate how they are being used within a given score.)
Note: This page applies to versions of MuseScore prior to 3.1 only. Users of MuseScore 3.1 and above should go to Fretboard diagrams.
A range of fretboard (or chord) diagrams for the guitar are provided in the Fretboard Diagrams palette in the Advanced Workspace.
You can create a chord diagram for any fretted, stringed instrument by editing an existing one. It can be saved to a custom palette for future use if required.
To add a fretboard diagram to the score, use one of the following methods:
As the cursor hovers over the chosen diagram within the palette, its name will appear as a pop-up hint.
When a fretboard diagram is selected, it can be edited in the Inspector as follows:
The position of a Fretboard Diagram can be adjusted using the keyboard arrows in Edit mode; or with the X- and Y-offsets in the "Element" section at the top of the Inspector.
Visibility, Color and Stacking order can also be adjusted from the "Element" section.
Certain default and global properties of Fretboard Diagrams (e.g. barre thickness, vertical position, scale, fret-number font-size and position) can be adjusted from the Style submenu: select Format→Style…→Fretboard Diagrams. Some of these properties are subject to override via the Inspector; but most affect all Fretboard Diagrams in the score.
The explode command allows you to select a passage of music in a single staff and split (explode) the chords into their constituent notes or voices as follows:
To explode a section of the score:
注:(1) 若选区全部在声部1内,MuseScore will discard the lowest note(s) of any chord that contains more notes than the number of staves in the selection. (2) If the selection is all in voice 1, and If a given chord has fewer notes than the number of destination staves, then notes will be duplicated as needed so that every staff receives a note. (3) Any existing music in the destination staves is overwritten. (4) If you select a partial measure, the explode command will automatically expand it to a full measure.
The Implode command works in the opposite way to "explode":
All selected notes in the staff are now displayed in voice 1.
This allows you to swap the voices of a selected measure-range of notes. See Exchange voices.
This command is used to completely remove an element, or range of elements from the score.
Note: If the selected range includes only part of a measure, the result will include a measure of smaller duration than the indicated Time Signature. This is indicated by a small - (minus) sign just above the system.
所选元素 | 删除 | 移除选区 | |
音符 | 替换为休止符 | 移除乐谱区域 | |
休止符(声部1) | 无效果 | 移除乐谱区域 | |
休止符9(声部2-4) | 删除休止符 | 移除乐谱区域 | |
小节线 | 无效果 | 删除小节线并合并小节 | |
小节 | 内容替换为休止符 | 移除小节 |
This command fills the selection with slashes, one per beat:
If a measure is empty the slashes are added to voice 1, full-sized and centered on the middle line of the staff:
Notes: (1) If there are already notes in a measure in the selection, the command will put the slashes into the first available empty voice. (2) Voice 2 slashes are full-sized and centered on the middle line of the staff; voices 3 slashes appear small and above the staff; voice 4 slashes are small and below the staff. (3) 如果小节包含所有四个声部的音符,声部1将被覆盖。(4) 所有斜杠都设置为不移调且不播放。
This command toggles selected notes between normal notes and rhythmic slash notation:
The selected noteheads are changed to slash noteheads which do not transpose or playback.
Slash-notehead notes in voices one or two are fixed to the middle staff line; those in voices three or four are small ("accent" notation) and fixed above or below the staff:
In percussion staves, notes in voices 3 and 4 are not converted to small slashes but to small notes above or below the staff.
更正临时记号以适应当前的调号。请参阅Accidentals: 等音替换。
This option corrects note ties, durations and beaming so that they are grouped according to standard music notation practice. For example:
Any notes that are tied and are the same length as a dotted note will be changed to the dotted note with two limitations. (i) Only the last note of a group of tied notes will have a single dot. Notes with more than one dot are not produced using this option. (ii) Dotted notes will not span from one group of beamed notes to another unless their duration is the same as all of the beam groups it covers. Any notes with more than one dot will be regrouped according to the above rules.
To apply:
Note: This is an experimental feature and there are known bugs. Articulations and ornaments are deleted and some pitches respelled. Ties across barlines may be lost on UNDO.
The Resequence Rehearsal Marks command allows you to re-order the numbering/lettering of rehearsal marks if, for any reason, they have got out of sequence. For details see Automatically resequence rehearsal marks.
This command creates a copy of the score (in a new tab), eliminates the repeat barlines and notates the repeat sections in full instead.
This command copies all the lyrics of the score to the clipboard:
如果 MuseScore 或您的计算机发生崩溃,或者电源耗尽,重新启动 MuseScore 时的弹出式消息会询问您是否希望恢复上一个会话:
当 MuseScore 在崩溃后恢复文件时,它会在原始文件名前面添加完整路径名称来重命名它们。这个很长的名字将出现在当前乐谱窗口顶部标签中。
确保文件保存在原始位置。在保存文件时建议选择 "保存为..." 选项:这将打开一个窗口,允许您导航到正确的文件夹和目录。如果您改用“保存”命令,文件将保存到当前位置,而该位置不一定是原始位置。
得到已恢复的文件后,保存时如果出现用 "保存" 代替 "保存为..." 的情况,您务必找到文件在计算机中的实际位置。文件的实际位置会有所不同,这取决于你的操作系统以及MuseScore安装路径。
对于 Windows 7,默认将 MuseScore 安装到 x86 程序文件目录,已恢复的文件可自动保存到 C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 3\bin
(实为%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 3\bin
对于 Windows 10,请查看 C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 3\bin
(实为%LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore\%ProgramFiles(x86):~3%\MuseScore 3\bin
如何恢复乐谱的备份副本 (MuseScore 操作指南)
MuseScore中有一些内置的插件——请看预装插件(本文下方)。你可以在插件库找到更多的插件。有些插件只支持MuseScore 3,有些只支持更低的版本,有些均可支持。它们的区别是:MuseScore 3.x和2.x的插件文件后缀名是.qml
MuseScore会在这些目录下寻找预装插件: %ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 3\Plugins
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 3\Plugins
)和 %LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore\MuseScore 3\plugins
. 如果想要更改安装新插件的文件夹,可在MuseScore的偏好中指定。
MuseScore会在这些目录下寻找预装插件: /Applications/MuseScore
处的MuseScore bundle中(右击MuseScore,选择“Show package contents显示包内容”以显示相关文件)以及 ~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore 3/plugins
. 如果想要更改安装新插件的文件夹,可在MuseScore的偏好中指定。
MuseScore会在这些目录下寻找预装插件: /usr/share/mscore-3.0/plugins
~/.local/share/data/MuseScore/MuseScore 2/plugins
. 如果想要更改安装新插件的文件夹,可在MuseScore的偏好中指定。
该插件从文件或剪贴板导入ABC文本,并将其转换为MusicXML. 联网是必要的,因为转换过程用到了外部的网络服务。
该插件对所选范围(或整个乐谱)中的音符依据音高进行着色。It colors the note head of all notes in all staves and voices according to the Boomwhackers convention. 每个音高有不同的颜色。C 与 C♯ 颜色不同,而 C♯ 与 D♭ 颜色相同。
该插件会创建一篇新的乐谱。它会创建一篇新的钢琴谱,有着4个四分音符:C, D, E, F. 利用它可以学到如何通过插件创建新乐谱以及增加音符。
This demo plugin demonstrates some basic tasks.
该插件对所选范围(或整个乐谱)中的音符进行命名。它会将音符的名称显示为staff text,依据MuseScore的language settings:voices 1 and 3 notes above the staff; voices 2 and 4 notes below the staff; and chord notes in a comma separated list, starting with the top note.
该插件展示一个GUI panel.
Digits are entered directly. Groups of several digits stacked one above the other are also entered directly in a single text, stacking them with Enter:
Accidentals can be entered using regular keys:
要输入: | 类型: |
重降号 | bb |
降号 | b |
还原号 | h |
升号 | # |
重升号 | ## |
These characters will automatically turn into the proper signs when you leave the editor. Accidentals can be entered before, or after a digit (and of course, in place of a digit, for altered thirds), according to the required style; both styles are properly aligned, with the accidental 'hanging' at the left, or the right.
Slashed digits or digits with a cross can be entered by adding \, / or + after the digit (combining suffixes); the proper combined shape will be substituted when leaving the editor:
The built-in font can manage combination equivalence, favoring the more common substitution:
1+, 2+, 3+, 4+ result in (or
and 5\, 6\, 7\, 8\, 9\ result in (or
Please remember that / can only by combined with 5; any other 'slashed' figure is rendered with a question mark.
+ can also be used before a digit; in this case it is not combined, but it is properly aligned ('+' hanging at the left side).
Open and closed parentheses, both round: '(', ')' and square: '[', ']', can be inserted before and after accidentals, before and after a digit, before and after a continuation line; added parentheses will not disturb the proper alignment of the main character.
Notes: (1) The editor does not check that parentheses, open and closed, round or square, are properly balanced. (2) Several parentheses in a row are non-syntactical and prevent proper recognition of the entered text. (3) A parenthesis between a digit and a combining suffix ('+', '\', '/') is accepted, but prevents shape combination.
Continuation lines are input by adding an '_' (underscore) at the end of the line. Each digit of a group can have its own continuation line:
Continuation lines are drawn for the whole duration of the figured bass group.
'Extended' continuation lines
Occasionally, a continuation line has to connect with the continuation line of a following group, when a chord degree has to be kept across two groups. Examples (both from J. Boismortier, Pièces de viole, op. 31, Paris 1730):
In the first case, each group has its own continuation line; in the second, the continuation line of the first group is carried 'into' the second.
This can be obtained by entering several (two or more) underscores "__" at the end of the text line of the first group.
Each figured bass group has a duration, which is indicated by a light gray line above it (of course, this line is for information only and it is not printed or exported to PDF).
Initially, a group has the same duration of the note to which it is attached. A different duration may be required to fit several groups under a single note or to extend a group to span several notes.
To achieve this, each key combination in the table below can be used to (1) advance the editing box by the indicated duration, and (2) set the duration of the previous group up to the new editing box position.
Pressing several of them in sequence without entering any figured bass text repeatedly extends the previous group.
Type: | to get: |
Ctrl+1 | 1/64 |
Ctrl+2 | 1/32 |
Ctrl+3 | 1/16 |
Ctrl+4 | 1/8 (quaver) |
Ctrl+5 | 1/4 (crochet) |
Ctrl+6 | half note (minim) |
Ctrl+7 | whole note (semibreve) |
Ctrl+8 | 2 whole notes (breve) |
(The digits are the same as are used to set the note durations)
Setting the exact figured bass group duration is only mandatory in two cases:
However, it is a good practice to always set the duration to the intended value for the purposes of plugins and MusicXML.
To edit a figured bass indication already entered use one of the following options:
The usual text editor box will open with the text converted back to plain characters ('b', '#' and 'h' for accidentals, separate combining suffixes, underscores, etc.) for simpler editing.
Once done, press Space to move to a next note, or click outside the editor box to exit it, as for newly created figured basses.
To configure how figured bass is rendered: from the menu, select Format → Style… → Figured Bass.
Line Height: The distance between the base line of each figured bass line, as a percentage of font size.
The following picture visualizes each numeric parameter:
Alignment: Select the vertical alignment: with Top, the top line of each group is aligned with the main vertical position and the group 'hangs' from it (this is normally used with figured bass notation and is the default); with Bottom, the bottom line is aligned with the main vertical position and the group 'sits' on it (this is sometimes used in some kinds of harmonic analysis notations):
Style: Chose between "Modern" or "Historic." The difference between the two styles is shown below:
For the relevant substitutions and shape combinations to take effect and for proper alignment, the figured bass mechanism expects input texts to follow some rules (which are in any case, the rules for a syntactical figured bass indication):
If a text entered does not follow these rules, it will not be processed: it will be stored and displayed as it is, without any layout.
Type: | to get: |
Ctrl+G | Adds a new figured bass group to the selected note. |
Space | Advances the editing box to the next note. |
Shift+Space | Moves the editing box to the previous note. |
Tab | Advances the editing box to the next measure. |
Shift+Tab | Moves the editing box to the previous measure. |
Ctrl+1 | Advances the editing box by 1/64, setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+2 | Advances the editing box by 1/32, setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+3 | Advances the editing box by 1/16, setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+4 | Advances the editing box by 1/8 (quaver), setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+5 | Advances the editing box by 1/4 (crochet), setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+6 | Advances the editing box by a half note (minim), setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+7 | Advances the editing box by a whole note (semibreve), setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+8 | Advances the editing box by two whole notes (breve), setting the duration of the previous group. |
Ctrl+Space | Enters an actual space; useful when figure appears "on the second line" (e.g., 5 4 -> 3). |
BB | Enters a double flat. |
B | Enters a flat. |
H | Enters a natural. |
# | Enters a sharp. |
## | Enters a double sharp. |
_ | Enters a continuation line. |
__ | Enters an extended continuation line. |
Note: For Mac commands, Ctrl is replaced with ⌘.
A note about fonts: MuseScore does not embed text fonts in saved or exported native format files. If you want your MuseScore file to be viewed by other MuseScore users, make sure you are using the built-in FreeSerif or FreeSans font families for your text, or a font that the other parties have installed too. If a system does not have the fonts specified in your original file, MuseScore will use a fallback option, which may cause your score to appear differently.
) or (.*.mscx,
The backup file adds a period to the beginning of the file name (.
) and a comma (,
) to the end (e.g. if your normal file is called "untitled.mscz
", the backup copy will be ".untitled.mscz,
"), and the period and comma need to be removed from the name in order to open the backup file in MuseScore. As it is stored in the same folder as your normal MuseScore file, you may also need to give it a unique name (e.g. changing ".untitled.mscz,
" to "untitled-backup1.mscz
Note: In order to see the MuseScore backup files, you may need to change your system settings to "Show hidden files". See also How to recover a backup copy of a score.
MuseScore can export a score as a graphic file in either PDF, PNG or SVG format.
)PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files are based on a bitmap image format, widely supported by software on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and very popular on the web. MuseScore creates PNG images as they would appear if printed, one image per page.
To set the resolution of exported PNG images:
Note: If you want to create images that show only parts of the score (with or without screen-only items such as frame boxes, invisible notes, and out-of-range note colors), use Image capture instead.
)SVG(可扩展矢量图形)文件可以由大多数网页浏览器(版本9之前的Internet Explorer除外)和大多数矢量图形软件打开。然而,大多数SVG软件不支持嵌入式字体,因此必须安装适当的MuseScore字体才能正确查看这些文件。SVG是当前所有存储在MuseScore.com上乐谱格式。
MuseScore可以以以下任何格式创建乐谱的标准化、立体声音频:WAV、MP3、OGG VORBIS、FLAC。要导出音频文件:
)WAV(波形音频格式)是一个未压缩的音频格式。这是由微软和IBM开发的,并受到Windows、OS X和Linux软件的广泛支持。这是创建CD时使用的理想格式,因为保持了完整的音质。要通过电子邮件或互联网共享,请使用压缩替代方案,如MP3.
)Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is compressed audio format. FLAC files are approximately half the size of uncompressed audio and just as good quality. Windows and OS X do not have built-in support for FLAC, but software such as the free and open source VLC media player can play FLAC files on any operating system.
)Ogg Vorbis is intended as a patent-free replacement for the popular MP3 audio format (which MuseScore also supports—see above). Like MP3, Ogg Vorbis files are relatively small (often a tenth of uncompressed audio), but some sound quality is lost. Windows and OS X do not have built-in support for Ogg Vorbis. However, software such as VLC media player and Firefox can play Ogg files on any operating system.
MuseScore can import and export MusicXML and MIDI files; it is also able to import a variety of native format files from other music notation programs.
, *.musicxml
)MusicXML is the universal standard for sheet music. It is the recommended format for sharing sheet music between different scorewriters, including MuseScore, Sibelius, Finale, and more than 100 others. MuseScore imports *.xml
and *.musicxml
, but exports only *.musicxml
. If you need *.xml
(because the program you want to import it needs that), you need to rename it yourself after the export.
)Compressed MusicXML creates smaller files than regular MusicXML. This is a newer standard and isn't as widely supported by older scorewriters, but MuseScore has full import and export support.
, *.midi
, *.kar
)MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a format widely supported by sequencers and music notation software. For details of the protocol see the MIDI Association website.
MIDI files are very useful for playback purposes but contain little in the way of score layout information (formatting, pitch spelling, voicing, ornaments, articulations, repeats, key signatures etc.). To share files between different music notation software, MusicXML is recommended instead.
For details about how to import MIDI files see MIDI import.
)(仅导入)MuseData是Walter B. Hewlett开发的一种格式,始于1983年,是软件之间共享音乐符号的早期手段。自那以后,它被MusicXML的光芒盖过,但这种格式的数千份乐谱仍然可以在线获得。
, *.capx
)(仅导入)CAP and CAPX files are created by the score writer, Capella. MuseScore imports version 2000 (3.0) or later fairly accurately.
) (import only)BWW files are created by the niche score writer, Bagpipe Music Writer.
, *.sgu
) (import only)BB files are created by the music arranging software, Band-in-a-Box. MuseScore's support is currently experimental.
MuseScore can open Guitar Pro files with the following extensions: *.gtp, *.gp3, *.gp4, *.gp5, *.gpx, and, as of version 3.5, *.gp.
) (import only)PTB files are created by Power Tab Editor. MuseScore's support is currently experimental.
MuseScore 提供了几个专有功能来创建雕刻版的早期音乐(一部分是中世纪和文艺复兴期间的)akin to commercial editions from the 20th century onwards.
In MuseScore, notes lasting longer than the duration of a measure are normally tied across barlines. However MuseScore has a special feature which allows it to display the note values intact, without splitting and tying them in this way. This enables you to notate music which is unbarred (i.e. not divided into measures), such as that of the renaissance:
Note: The feature is still in development and may contain bugs. The longest supported note value is the longa (a dotted longa is still broken up and tied over).
Since a complete lack of barlines could make performing the music more difficult for current musicians, many modern engravers settled on a compromise called Mensurstrich, where barlines are drawn between, but not across, staves.
To place barlines between staves:
Before there was the concept of an absolute pitch, performers were required to transpose vocal music to a singable range for their ensemble "on the fly." To aid them, an ambitus was sometimes included, marking the entire range of a voice at the beginning of the piece.
To apply an ambitus, use one of the following methods:
When applied, the ambitus automatically displays the note range of the score: if there is a section break then only the note range of the section is displayed. Beyond the section break a new ambitus may be applied.
The note range of the ambitus can be adjusted manually by selecting it and changing the "Top note" and "Bottom note" values in the Inspector. For automatic adjustment click the Update Range button in the inspector.
In the mensural notation system, time signatures did not define the length of a measure, but the length of breves and semibreves. MuseScore supports mensural time symbols as a display method in the Time signature properties dialog rather than as symbols, but they are just for show, as the proportion of e.g. half notes per whole notes cannot be modified.
One way to make use of these symbols is to replicate when composers of the renaissance had multiple voices in different time signatures simultaneously without using tuplets. Edit the time signature on a per-staff basis, as long as the beginning and end of a measure in all staves match up. If they do not, then consider increasing the size of the measures to the lowest common denominator.
De Profundis Clamavi for 5 voices by Josquin Des Prez
时间轴是作为Google 编程之夏2017(GSoC2017)的一部分开发的,并首次在MuseScore 3.0中引入。
可以在时间轴的左上角找到。 这些是元行的名称。
可以在时间轴的右下角找到。 包含多个“单元格”(以正方形表示乐谱中的特定小节和谱表)
上下滚动鼠标滚轮会相应地上下移动网格和乐器标签。 元标签和元行不会移动。
要缩放乐谱,按住Ctrl并上/下滚动鼠标滚轮(Mac: Cmd + scroll)。
要调出快显菜单,右键单击时间轴。 在这些位置可以找到三个快显菜单:元标签、乐器标签和元行。
在元标签上点击鼠标右键,会出现一个快显菜单,显示所有可能的元标签以及两个选项:“隐藏全部”和“显示全部”。 在菜单中的每个元标签旁边,有一个复选框,显示当前是否在时间轴上显示元标签。 要显示或隐藏其中一个元标签,请在快显菜单中选择元标签的框。 选择“隐藏所有”将隐藏除小节元数据之外的所有元数据标签。 选择“显示所有”将显示所有元数据标签。
在乐器标签上点击鼠标右键,将显示一个带有“编辑乐器”选项的快显菜单。 选择这个将把您带到与 编辑 > 乐器... 相同的对话框,或者你也可以按快捷键I。
To transfer a Master palette item to a custom palette:
The Symbols section of the Master Palette is a large repository of hundreds of musical symbols in addition to those found in the preset 工作区。You can open it from the Master Palette,或直接使用快捷键Z。
The Symbols subcategories can be displayed by clicking on "Symbols". Use the font menu on the bottom right of the box to specify Emmentaler-, Gonville- or Bravura-specific symbols. You can search for a particular symbol by entering a keyword in the search box.
The position of the symbol can be adjusted by dragging or by changing the horizontal / vertical offsets in the Inspector. Color and visibility can also be adjusted in the Inspector.
Note: Elements from the Symbols section do not follow any positioning rules (in many cases unlike identical elements from other sections of the Master Palette), nor do they affect score playback.
Elements from the Symbols section can be connected to each other on the score page, so that they can be moved as one unit:
Drag the first element and the attached element will follow.
You can choose choose any one of nine notehead schemes for a standard staff. To set a notehead scheme:
The schemes are as follows:
(For more info about the different variant of shape notes, see the SMuFL specification)
The setting applies to a given staff and the notehead will be used when entering and editing notes. Here is an example.
A range of alternative noteheads "can be accessed via the 符头 palette of the Advanced workspace, or the 检视器 (see 更换符头组,见下文).
注意:The design of the notehead may vary depending on the music font selected (Emmentaler, Gonville or Bravura). Those in the palette are displayed as half notes in Bravura font.
MuseScore supports a range of notehead styles:
Occasionally you may need to change the apparent duration of a notehead—i.e. notehead type—without altering its actual, underlying duration:
When two notes in different voices, but of the same written pitch, fall on the same beat, one of two things may happen:
MuseScore follows standard music notation practice as follows:
Note: If two unison notes occur in the same voice they are always offset.
Offset noteheads can be turned into shared noteheads in one of two ways:
In the first example below, the notes of voices 1 and 2 share noteheads by default, because they are all black, undotted notes:
By contrast, in the next example, white notes cannot share noteheads with black notes, so are offset to the right:
To create a shared notehead, make the black eighth note invisible or change its head type to match that of the white note (as explained above):
In certain cases, a shared notehead, when pasted to a tablature staff, may result in two separate fret marks on adjacent strings. To correct this, make any extraneous tablature notes invisible by selecting them and using the keyboard shortcut V (or by unchecking the "visible" option in the Inspector).
MuseScore最初在乐谱中根据样式中的默认属性放置元素。而如果元素 应用了自动布局,MuseScore会试图自动调整元素的位置以避免位置冲突。
The default position for most elements is controlled by their style settings. The specific properties you can set vary by element type but may include:
For details of the settings available for each element type, see Layout and formatting: Style.
To change the default position:
Use one of the following methods:
After an element had been automatically placed, it's position can be changed manually using one of the following methods:
If the element type can be placed both above or below the staff, you can change the position by:
Note: When automatic placement is enabled for an element, you cannot position it in a way that causes a collision with other elements.
The element reverts to its default position. It can be repositioned as desired and is no longer avoided when placing other elements.
To change the value for Stacking order:
In cases where elements are allowed to overlap, Stacking order controls the order in which they are placed on top of each other. The element with the lower value will be placed behind.
谱表/声部属性对话框允许您修改谱表的显示、调音、移调、替换乐器等等。右击一行谱表并选择 谱表/声部属性 来打开它。
1a. 标准谱表 I。被大多数乐器(琴格、拨弦乐器除外)使用的音高谱。
1b. 标准谱表 II。包含一个琴格、拨弦乐器的音高谱,有可以设置乐器的弦数以及调律的选项。
2. 指法谱. 包含一个琴格、拨弦乐器的谱表,可将音乐显示为一系列在弦上的品格图。亦包含可以设置乐器的弦数以及调律的选项。
3. 打击乐谱。一种打击乐器的音高谱。
增加或者减少所有谱表组中选中的谱表和上方谱表的间距。注意:此设定不适用于谱表组中的第一行谱表,第一行谱表上方间距是用“最小/最大谱表组间距”来控制的(参看版面与格式:格式 → 样式… → 页面)。
1. 按住Shift键;
2. 单击谱表空白处并用鼠标向上或向下拖拽。
用百分比的形式调整选中的谱表和其中的元素的大小(若要调整整体的乐谱大小,请使用 格式→页面设置…中的“缩放比例”)。
这个选项和格式 → 样式… → 乐谱中的“隐藏谱表组中的空白谱表”设定一同决定谱表为空白时是否隐藏。
这行谱表不会被隐藏,即使整个谱表组都是空的。这个选项否定格式 → 样式… → 乐谱中的任何“隐藏谱表组中的空白谱表”设定。
创建一个缩小化的谱表。您可以进入顶部菜单格式 → 样式 ... → 大小来设定缩小化的默认大小。
用于创建截断的谱表(或被称作cutaway score,横断谱表)。这可以独立于各种“隐藏空谱表”的情况下使用。
使用乐器快捷键 (I)或选择乐器对话框来加载乐器。与此相关的声音可按需在混音器中更改。
请注意:分谱名称被instruments.xml文件中的trackName元素的值所定义。若trackName 尚未被定义,将使用longName的值(即"完整乐器名"—见下文)来代替。
要关闭超音域音符色彩标记:在顶部菜单中选择编辑→偏好设置...(Mac: MuseScore→偏好设置...),单击“音符输入”标签页,然后取消勾选“用颜色标记超音域音符”。
'Upside down' 指法谱.
字体用来显示品格号。提供了8套字体以支持在8套不同样式中的所有必要符号(modern Serif, modern Sans, Renaissance, Phalèse, Bonneuil-de Visée, Bonneuil-Gaultier, Dowland, Lute Didactic)。
MuseScore尝试以合理的方式放置符号,对于内置字体,通常不需要更改此值(设为0)。若字体中存在不对齐基线的符号(或在一些MuseScore无法预测的情况下),这个属性使您可以上移品格号(负值) 或者下移(正值)来进行更好的位置调整。数值的单位是sp(谱线间距)。
选择数字 (‘1’, ‘2’...)或字母(‘a’, ‘b’...)作为品格号。使用字母作为品格号样式时,跳过“j”而用“k”作为第九个品。或是因为拉丁文中不存在字母j(译者注)。
连续 (谱线径直穿过品格号)或断开(当品格号显示时,谱线上出现一片小空间)。例如:
按照排版尺寸的字体大小。内置字体通常以15磅为宜。仅和 音符选项使用。
* 从不
* 在新谱表组中
* 在新小节中
* 总是
You can change the appearance of a staff mid-score by adding a Staff type change element to a measure, and adjusting its properties in the Inspector.
The properties that can be altered in the Staff type change dialog in the Inspector are:
How far the changed staff shall be moved up or down: measured in spaces (abbr.: sp) .
Tick the box to create a reduced-size staff.
Changes the size of the staff and all associated elements, as a percentage.
The number of lines making up the staff.
Line distance
The distance between two staff lines, measured in spaces (abbr.: sp).
Step offset
How many steps up or down the notes in the staff are offset.
Show barlines
Whether the staff barlines will be shown.
Show ledger lines
Whether ledger lines will be shown for notes above/below the staff lines.
Slash style
Whether the notes shall be shown in standard or slash style.
Notehead scheme
Allows selection of how noteheads are displayed.
Generate clefs
Whether the staff clef will be shown.
Generate time signatures
Whether the staff time signature(s) will be shown or not.
Generate key signatures
Whether the staff key signatures will be shown or not.
To illustrate the use of Staff type change, the staff shown below was created using the following steps:
Change "Lines" to 7,
Afterwards the global Staff Properties are changed using Staff properties:
1 Set "Lines" to 2.
2. Change "Staff Line Color".
As can be seen, the change in "Lines" is only effective up to the first staff type change, whereas the change to "Staff Line Color" is effective throughout the score.
选中一个音符,然后按下Ctrl+Shift + ↓/↑ (Mac: ⌘+Shift + ↓/↑)。这会把选中的音符(和弦)下移/上移到另外一个谱表,例:
本文档是为MuseScore 3的盲人和视障用户编写的。它不打算提供MuseScore所有功能的完整描述;您应该将此文档与MuseScore的常规文档一起阅读。
MuseScore支持免费和开源的Windows NVDA屏幕阅读器。您还可以安装一个脚本来支持JAWS,或者在Linux上为Orca安装一个脚本。MuseScore支持免费和开源的WindowsNVDA屏幕阅读器。您还可以安装一个脚本来支持JAWS,或者在Linux上为Orca安装一个脚本。
最终,我们希望支持其他屏幕阅读器,如 VoiceOver和Narrator。目前,不受支持的屏幕阅读器通常会读取菜单和对话框,但目前需要一个受支持的屏幕阅读器逐音符读取乐谱。
从MuseScore 3.3开始,MuseScore的大部分特性都是完全可访问的,它可以作为一个乐谱阅读器和编辑器。以前的版本在编辑方面比较有限。
当你第一次运行MuseScore时,在启动时你会被问到一些问题。我们建议你接受默认值,但对关于显示导览的问题回答 "否",因为这些问题很遗憾还不能访问。
当MuseScore启动时,你通常首先看到的是启动中心窗口。这显示了一个最近的乐谱列表,您可以通过Shift+Tab,然后使用左右光标键访问。你可能会发现更容易从文件菜单直接打开乐谱,但是,如果你喜欢,你可以按 Esc 关闭启动中心。事实上,您可能想要永久禁用它。关闭 启动中心 后,打开 编辑 菜单 (Alt+E),选择 偏好设置 ,在 常规 选项卡中,撤选 显示启动中心 ,然后关闭 偏好设置 窗口。
提示:一旦你打开了一个菜单,可能要按几次 Up或Down 键才能正常阅读所有内容。另外,如果在任何时候读屏器停止响应,有一个有用的技巧可以再次启动它,那就是按 Alt 键将焦点移到菜单栏,然后按 Esc 键返回到乐谱。有时切换到另一个应用程序,然后再返回,也会有帮助。
除了菜单栏外,MuseScore中还有一些工具栏、面板和子窗口,你可以用 Tab 键在这些控件中循环操作(或者用 Shift+Tab 键在同样的循环中向后移动)。当你第一次启动MuseScore或加载一个乐谱时,焦点应该在主乐谱窗口。
如果未选择任何内容(按Esc清除任何选择),请按 Tab 将您带到一个工具栏,该工具栏包含一系列按钮,用于新建,打开,播放等操作。 Tab 将跳过当前不活动的任何按钮。 屏幕阅读器应读取这些按钮的名称和快捷键(适用)。
如果你已经打开了一个额外的可选窗口,如选择过滤器,Tab键也将访问这些窗口。你可以关闭你不需要的窗口,方法是进入视图菜单,确保第一组复选框都没有被选中(出现在缩放设置之前的窗口)。默认情况下,只有符号面板和检视器应该被选中。关于禁用启动中心的说明,见 初始设置。 F9 可以用来切换符号面板, F8 可以切换检视器。
当您第一次启动MuseScore3时,默认情况下会加载一个空的示例乐谱。如果您希望尝试编辑功能,这将是一个很好的开始。否则,您可能需要从加载乐谱开始。MuseScore使用标准快捷方式访问系统命令,如 Ctrl+O (Mac:Cmd+O) 打开文件,Ctrl+S (Mac:Cmd+S) 保存,Ctrl+W (Mac:Cmd+W) 关闭等。
如果你按 Ctrl+O (Mac:Cmd+O) 加载乐谱,将显示一个相当标准的文件对话框。MuseScore可以以自己的格式(MSCZ或MSCX)打开乐谱,也可以以标准MusicXML格式、MIDI格式或其他一些程序(如Guitar Pro、Capella和Band-in-a-Box)导入乐谱。加载分数后,它将显示在分数窗口中的新选项卡中。你可以使用 Ctrl+Tab 在乐谱窗口中的选项卡之间移动(不适用于Mac)。提示:如果当前选项卡中的乐谱名称未被读取,请让屏幕阅读器读取标题栏。
要想逐个音符阅读乐谱,请看下面的内容,但你还可以对加载的乐谱做一些其他有趣的事情。你可以按 Space 键,让MuseScore为你播放乐谱。你可以用 文件/导出 来转换乐谱为其他格式,包括PDF、PNG、WAV、MP3、MIDI、MusicXML等。当然,你也可以通过 文件/打印 或 Ctrl+P (Mac:Cmd+P) 打印乐谱。
如果一个乐谱包含多种乐器,它可能已经生成了链接分谱。链接的分谱在乐谱标签页中以分谱标签页的形式出现,但目前还没有办法用键盘来导航这些分谱标签页。这些分谱通常不会包含与乐谱不同的信息;它们只是显示方式不同(每个分谱在自己的页面上)。如果一个乐谱还没有生成分谱,你可以通过 文件/分谱 来完成,这个对话框是可以访问的。如果你想打印分谱,你可以通过使用 文件/导出分谱 对话框来解决无法单独访问分谱标签页的问题,它可以在一个步骤中自动导出所有分谱的PDF(或其他格式)。
当您第一次加载一个分数时,分数窗口有键盘焦点,但没有选择任何内容。阅读分数的第一步是选择内容,最自然的起点是分数的第一个元素。在载入分数后, Alt+Right (Mac:Alt+Right) 将选择第一个元素,也就是标题; Ctrl+Home (Mac:Cmd+Home) 将选择第一个“音乐”元素(通常是一个谱号或一个起始的小节线)。
MuseScore中的大多数导航都是围绕着音符和休止符进行的--它将跳过谱号、调号、拍号、小节线和其他元素。因此,如果你只用标准的 Right 键和 Left 键来浏览你的乐谱,你将只听到音符和休止符(以及与之相连的元素)。然而,有两个特殊的无障碍指令,你会发现它们对获得更完整的乐谱总结很有用。:
这些命令包括其他导航命令所跳过的谱号和其他元素,还可以在当前谱号内的所有声部中导航,而其他导航命令如 Right 和 Left 只能在当前选择的声部中导航,直到你明确地改变声部。例如,如果你在第1小节第1拍的四分音符上,而该小节有两个声部,那么按右键将进入声部1的下一个音符--这将是在第2拍,而按 Alt+Right (Mac:Alt+Right) 将停留在第1拍,但移动到声部2的音符。只有当你在当前谱表的当前拍子上移动了所有的音符后,该快捷键才会将你移到下一拍。这样做的目的是,如果你还不知道乐谱的内容,这个快捷键应该对浏览乐谱很有用。
一个重要的注意事项:使用Shift或Ctrl / Cmd 单独Up和Down移动都不是有用的导航快捷方式!相反,它们会改变当前选定音符的音高。注意不要无意中编辑你试图阅读的乐谱。如果您的目的只是导航,则“向上”和“向下”只能与“Alt”一起使用。请参见下面的导航快捷方式列表。
如果你失去了你在乐谱中的位置--或者你完全失去了选择--按Shift+L (“位置”)来获得当前位置。
通过使用选区过滤器 (F6),可以在读谱时排除某些元素,如歌词或和弦名称。撤选那些你不想读的元素。然而,这个功能目前可能还没有实现。
Space 键的作用是开始和停止播放。如果选择了一个音符,播放将从当前选择的音符开始;如果没有选择音符,播放将从最后停止的地方开始;或者在第一次播放时从乐谱的开头开始。
MuseScore支持循环播放,这样你就可以重复播放一个乐曲的某个部分以达到练习的目的。通过播放面板 (F11)设置循环播放的 "入 "和 "出 "点:
你还可以通过 视图/播放面板 (F11)来控制循环播放和控制其他播放参数,如覆盖乐谱的基本节奏。
虽然一些高级的乐谱编辑技术需要查看乐谱,少量的命令可能需要使用鼠标,但在MuseScore 3.3中,大多数的乐谱编辑功能都是完全无障碍的。
要创建一个新的乐谱,使用 文件 , 新建 或 Ctrl+N。然后,向导将指导您完成乐谱创建过程。
向导的第一个屏幕有输入标题、作曲家和其他信息的字段。第二屏允许你选择一个模板(为常见的合奏如合唱SATB或爵士大乐队预定义的乐谱)或选择乐器。第三步允许你选择一个初始的调号和速度。有时这个屏幕会被跳过,所以如果发生这种情况,按 返回 按钮就可以返回。要选择一个调,可以使用Up和Down。调号控制在某些屏幕阅读器上不能很好地工作,但如果你发出 "读取当前行"(read current line)的命令(如NVDA+L),它可能会读取当前选择的调。向导的下一个也是最后一个屏幕允许你选择初始拍号、不完全小节(弱起小节)和开始的小节数。
要输入音符,您需要进入音符输入模式。首先,导航到您想要输入音符的小节,然后按 N键。几乎所有关于音符输入的内容都是可通过键盘访问的,标准文档应该能够很好地帮助您完成这个过程。请记住,MuseScore可以是音符输入模式,也可以是普通模式,但并不总是清楚你处于哪种模式。如果不确定,按Esc键。如果你在音符输入模式,你将离开该模式。如果你处于正常模式,你将停留在那里,尽管你也会失去选区。
Up 和 Down 键可以将音高提高或降低半级,必要时可以增加或删除临时记号。要改变一个音符的和声拼写,按 J。
要输入一个连结线,选择连音的时长,然后按 +。要创建三连音,选择三连音的总时长,然后按 Ctrl+3 (对四连音和其他小音也是如此)。要在一个谱表上输入多个声部的音乐,按 Ctrl+Alt 加上1到4的数字就可以切换到该声部(请记住,每个谱表的第一个声部始终是声部1)。
MuseScore支持常用的键盘快捷键进行选区。对于单个元素来说,导航和选区是一样的。要选择一个范围内的元素,可以导航到第一个元素,按住Shift,然后导航到第二个元素。 Ctrl+A 将选择整个乐谱。
你也可以使用符号面板搜索工具来快速找到一个符号面板项目。搜索框是符号面板顶部的第一个元素之一,所以你可以导航到它,或者你可以为 "符号面板搜索 "命令定义一个快捷键( 编辑→偏好设置→快捷键 ),这将使你直接进入搜索框。一旦你进入了搜索框,输入搜索词的前几个字符,只有符合该搜索的符号面板项目会显示出来。然后你可以浏览搜索结果,找到你想要的元素。向下的光标会直接带你到第一个搜索结果,然后你可以在这之后使用右键。(The Down cursor will take you directly to the first search result, then you can use Right after that.)不过,在某些系统上,当使用符号面板搜索功能并启用屏幕阅读器时,MuseScore可能会崩溃。
到达符号面板窗口的另一种方法是使用 F9 快捷键,它可以打开和关闭符号面板窗口。默认情况下,符号面板窗口是打开的,因此按F9将关闭它,但再次按下它将打开窗口,并将光标放在搜索框中。
还有一个有用的符号面板无障碍技术,那就是 "应用当前符号面板元素 "命令(你可以为它定义一个快捷键)。如果你在乐谱中,这将自动应用最后使用的符号面板元素(相当于 Shift+Tab 后跟 Enter )。
有些元素可以通过菜单命令或键盘快捷键添加或编辑。 编辑 菜单有标准的复制和粘贴命令(通常的快捷键也可以使用)。 添加 菜单有添加音符、多连音、小节、占位框、文本和一些线性记号命令。 格式 菜单中的命令主要与乐谱的视觉外观有关(例如,页面和谱表尺寸,符号的位置和大小,用于文本的字体),这在生成大型打印时非常有用。"自定义五线谱记谱法"(modified stave notation)乐谱(见下文)。 工具 菜单有许多其他有用的命令,包括删除小节或其他选定范围、转换选择、连接和分割小节等。这些命令都有默认定义的快捷键,屏幕阅读器应该读取这些快捷键。你可以在 编辑→偏好设置→快捷键 中为其余大部分定义自定义快捷键。
Ctrl+T: 谱表文字
Alt+Shift+T: 速度
Ctrl+L: 歌词
Ctrl+K: 和弦记号
Ctrl+M: 排练记号
S: 连句线
Shift+S: 断奏号(Staccato)
Shift+V: accent
Shift+N: 持续号(Tenuto)
Shift+O: 着重的,突出的(常带有顿音)。(marcato)
slash: 装饰音,花音(grace note)
less than: 渐强(crescendo)
greater than: 渐弱(diminuendo)
一旦你找到了你希望自定义的命令,按Enter键。然后你可以按下你希望成为快捷键的组合键。它可以是一个单键,也可以是一个带有Shift,Ctrl和/或其他修饰符的键,甚至可以是一个序列键或连续按下的两个或多个键。在输入你想要的快捷键后,按Tab键进入Add或Replace按钮(Tab键是唯一不会被解释为快捷键序列的一部分)。如果你没有看到Add或Replace就达到了Cancel ,这意味着你选择的快捷键与其他快捷键相冲突。回到你输入快捷键的地方,它会告诉你与之冲突的命令的名称。点击Tab键进入 Clear 按钮来清除它,然后用不同的快捷键再试一次。
MuseScore allows you to choose from any of several note input modes. Step-time (see below) is the default, but others can be accessed by clicking the small dropdown arrow next to the note entry button on the note input toolbar.
This is the default method of note input and involves entering notes one at a time: first by selecting a note duration using the mouse or keyboard, then choosing a pitch using the mouse, keyboard, MIDI keyboard or virtual piano.
For details see Basic note entry.
Re-pitch mode allows you to correct the pitches of a sequence of notes while leaving their durations unchanged (not to be confused with Accidental: Respell pitches).
You can also use the Re-pitch function to create a new passage from an existing one of the same sequence of durations—by copying and pasting the latter, then applying Re-pitch.
Rhythm mode allows you to enter durations with a single keypress. Combining Rhythm and Re-pitch modes makes for a very efficient method of note entry.
The Real-time modes basically allow you to perform the piece on a MIDI keyboard (or MuseScore's virtual piano keyboard) and have the notation added for you. However, you should be aware of the following limitations which currently apply:
However, these restrictions mean that MuseScore has very little guessing to do when working out how your input should be notated, which helps to keep the Real-time modes accurate.
In the automatic version of Real-time input, you play at a fixed tempo indicated by a metronome click. You can adjust the tempo by changing the delay between clicks from the menu: Edit → Preferences... → Note Input (Mac: MuseScore → Preferences... → Note Input).
The score stops advancing as soon as you release the key. If you want the score to continue advancing (e.g. to allow you to enter rests) then you can use the Real-time Advance shortcut to start the metronome.
In the manual version of Real-time input, you have to indicate your input tempo by tapping on a key or pedal, but you can play at any speed you like and it doesn't have to be constant. The default key for setting the tempo (called "Real-time Advance") is Enter on the numeric keypad (Mac: Fn+Return), but it is highly recommended that you change this to a MIDI key or MIDI pedal (see below).
The Real-time Advance shortcut is used to tap beats in manual Real-time mode, or to start the metronome clicks in automatic Real-time mode. It is called "Real-time Advance" because it causes the input position to move forward, or "advance", through the score.
The default key for Real-time Advance is Enter on the numeric keypad (Mac: Fn+Return), but it is highly recommended that you assign this to a MIDI key or MIDI pedal via MuseScore's MIDI remote control. The MIDI remote control is available from the menu: Edit → Preferences... → Note Input (Mac: MuseScore → Preferences... → Note Input).
Alternatively, if you have a USB footswitch or computer pedal which can simulate keyboard keys, you could set it to simulate Enter on the numeric keypad.
When the notes are entered they will be placed just before the selected starting element, which will be highlighted with a square blue marker. The start element and any subsequent notes or rests within the same measure will be shifted forward. You can move the insertion point forward and backward using the arrow keys → or ←, and the new insertion point will then be highlighted.
Insert Input mode (called Timewise in versions prior to 3.0.2) allows you to insert and delete notes and rests within measures, automatically shifting subsequent music forwards or backwards. Measure duration is automatically updated as you go.
Alternatively, if you have only one or two notes to insert, you may prefer to use a shortcut:
If, at any time, the total duration of the notes and rests within the measure does not match the time signature, a small + or - sign will be shown above the measure.
See also: Remove selected range (Tools).
To leave Note Input mode, click on the Note Input tool button, press N, or press Esc. This puts you in Normal mode, in which you can change durations and delete notes or rests as follows: