
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see 倚音.

    倚音 是一种装饰音,外观比通常的音符要小。 短倚音,是一种符干上带斜杠的倚音。而__ 长倚音__无斜杠。

    Grace Notes palette (Advanced workspace)

    Create grace notes

    Grace notes can be found in the "Grace notes" palette in the Basic or Advanced workspace.

    Add a grace note

    Use one of the following methods:

    • Select a regular note and double click a grace note in a palette;
    • Drag a grace note symbol from a palette onto a regular note;
    • Select a note and press / to create an acciaccatura only.

    This will add a grace note of the same pitch as the regular note. To add a sequence of grace notes to a regular note, simply repeat the above actions as many times as required. See also, Change pitch (below).

    Note: When a grace note is added to the score, a slur is not automatically created with it, so the latter needs to be added separately. See Slurs.

    Add a chord of grace notes

    Grace note chords are built up just like regular chords:

    1. Enter the first note of the chord as shown above
    2. Select this first grace note and enter subsequent notes as you would for any other regular chord (i.e. Shift+A...G).

    You can also create a grace note chord by using the add interval shortcut in step 2: Alt+1...9 for intervals from a unison to a ninth above.

    Change pitch

    The pitch of a grace note can be adjusted just like a regular one:

    1. Select one or more grace notes
    2. Adjust pitch using the keyboard arrow commands, namely:
      • or to increase or decrease the pitch by a semitone;
      • Alt+Shift+ or Alt+Shift+ to increase or decrease the pitch one step at a time, according to the key signature.

    Change duration

    If you want to change the duration of a previously created grace note, select it and choose a duration from the toolbar or enter with one of the keys 1...9 (see Note input).

    Manual adjustment

    The position of a grace note after a note (such as a trill termination) may have to be adjusted by selecting the note, going into edit mode and using the left/right keyboard arrows; or change the chord offset values in the Inspector.

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