

    Creating tuplets

    A tuplet is any group of notes that divide the beat in a way other than what is normally permitted by the time signature. Triplets consisting of three eighth notes in one beat are the most familiar type of tuplet.


    Simple tuplets

    A simple tuplet such as the triplet shown above can be entered in note input mode or in normal mode.

    In note input mode

    1. Navigate to the note/rest (or blank measure) where you want the tuplet to start.
    2. Select a final duration for the whole tuplet group (e.g. for an eighth note triplet, this will be a quarter note—keyboard shortcut 5).
    3. Use one of the following commands:
      • Press the keyboard shortcut for the required tuplet: i.e. Ctrl+3 for a triplet; Ctrl+4 for quadruplet … and so on, up to Ctrl+9 for a nonuplet. (Mac: Cmd+3Cmd+9);
      • From the menu, choose AddTuplets…, then select the required tuplet.
      • From the note input toolbar, click on the Tuplet icon and select from the dropdown.

    The note or rest is automatically divided for you and an appropriate annotation is applied.

    1. Enter the desired series of notes/rests.

    In normal mode

    1. Select a note or rest that specifies the full duration of the desired tuplet group. You may need to create this in the score beforehand. Thus, if you want an eighth note triplet you need to select a quarter note/rest.
    2. Use one of the following commands:
      • Press the keyboard shortcut for the required tuplet: i.e. Ctrl+3 for a triplet; Ctrl+4for quadruplet … and so on, up to Ctrl+9 for a nonuplet. (Mac: Cmd+3Cmd+9).
      • From the menu, choose AddTuplets…, then select the required tuplet.
      • From the note input toolbar, click on the Tuplet icon, and select from the dropdown.

    The note or rest is automatically divided for you and an appropriate annotation is applied.

    1. Enter the desired series of notes/rests.

    Consecutive tuplets

    If you need to input a series of tuplets, and don't want to continually repeat the tuplet command, you can select the notes of the first tuplet and press R (Repeat) as many times as needed; then move subsequent notes into position using keyboard arrows, retyping or re-pitch mode.

    Custom tuplets

    More complex tuplets can be created as follows:

    1. In note input mode, select a note duration equaling the total duration of the tuplet; or, if in normal mode, select a note or rest of the desired overall duration.
    2. Open the Create Tuplet dialog from either the menu (AddTuplets… Other…), or by clicking on the tuplet icon (note input toolbar).
      Create tuplet dialog
    3. In the Ratio field, specify the desired number ratio of the tuplet.
    4. Set Number and Bracket to get the required tuplet display.
    5. Press OK to close the dialog.
    6. Enter the desired series of notes and rests.

    Nested tuplets

    Tuplets can be nested within other tuplets.

    Nested tuplets

    To create a nested tuplet:

    1. Create the outer tuplet as described above.
    2. While entering the individual notes, create inner tuplets in the same way (select the total notated duration for the inner tuplet, then use one of the tuplet commands to divide it appropriately).

    Changing the display of tuplets

    You can choose to display or hide a tuplet number or bracket, change its orientation, or adjust line thickness. See Tuplet properties (below) for details.

    Tuplet properties

    The display of selected tuplets can be changed in the Tuplet section of the Properties panel.

    Direction: Whether the tuplet indication appears above or below the staff. Available settings are "Auto", "above" (↑) or "below" (↓).
    Number type: Affects the numerical display. Choice of "Number", "Ratio" or "None".
    Bracket type: Sets bracket display. Settings are "Auto", "bracket", or "no bracket".
    Line thickness: The thickness of the tuplet bracket, if displayed.

    Tuplet style

    See Templates and styles

    Values of the "Style for tuplets" can be edited in Format→Style→Tuplets.
    Values of the "Style for text inside tuplets" can be edited in Format→Style→Text styles→Tuplet

    "Style for tuplets" contains

    Tuplet style settings

    The settings include:

    • Properties
      • Direction
      • Number type
      • Bracket type
    • Brackets
      • Bracket thickness
      • Bracket hook height
    • Vertical distance from notes
      • Maximum slope
      • Vertical distance from stem
      • Vertical distance from notehead
      • Avoid staves
    • Horizontal distance from notes
      • Distance before stem of first note
      • Distance before head of first note
      • Distance after stem of last note
      • Distance after head of last note