Louis Cloete

Soort Titel Outeur Comments Laas bygewerk
Issue "Send to Youtube" of 3.0 score results in badly scaled video manonash 2 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Latest version changes all instruments to playback "Piano"! Jwagner 13 6 jare gelede
Issue Mixer settings treated inconsistently as part of score in the context of saving user2442 2 6 jare gelede
Forum topic NEW 3.0 -- WEB LOGIN DIALOG COMPLETELY DARK, NO CONTROLS!!!!! [DELETED] 1831606 2 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Hide empty staves for one instrument lppoja 4 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Whith one voice, in a unison part, Mixer muted, playback of remaining voice is distorted K Lindgren 3 6 jare gelede
Issue Add fermata to a barline does not work in Musescore 3 AWRog 5 6 jare gelede
Issue Debug output shown in a release build after crashreporter merge cadiz1 12 6 jare gelede
Forum topic interface suggestion RicardoHerreraMX 21 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Thank you mike320 4 6 jare gelede
Issue Footer colour dianamyte 1 6 jare gelede
Issue After dragging, staff distance increases even if symbol returns to former position geetar 1 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Plugin updates for MuseScore 3? drowssap 10 6 jare gelede
Issue Line crossing bar doesn't survives to save+close+open mchiapparini 5 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Putting Circle Frames on Particular Fingerings Kadri Nizam 10 6 jare gelede
Issue Saving during playback causes it to skip to a random note and hang, moves playback cursor elsewhere Laurelin 23 6 jare gelede
Issue Page View - Two Pages Baris18 4 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Keyboard nav "Quality of Life" issues Louis Cloete 43 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Crashing Alistair G Martin 2 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Mscz files crashed noobymage9 3 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Delete rest? Mahxx 2 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Change time signatures Darren Garfield 3 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Canvas missing on one of multiple parts SteveBlower 3 6 jare gelede
Forum topic Hairpins with arbitrary end points in terms of beat position shoogle 9 6 jare gelede
Issue Integer division by zero exception in Fraction::ticks() Louis Cloete 4 6 jare gelede