
Updated 8 months ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Linjer.

    The Lines palette of the Advanced workspace contains the following lines:

    Lines palette, Advanced workspace

    As you can see, the palette includes: Slurs, Hairpins, Volta brackets, Octave lines, and many others.

    Applying lines to the score

    Most lines (except Slurs, Volta brackets and the Ambitus) can be applied from a palette in the following ways:

    To apply a line to just one note

    1. Click on a note, then Ctrl+Click on the next note;
    2. Double-click a line.

    To apply a line across a range of notes

    1. Select a range of notes;
    2. Double-click a line.

    To apply a line from a note to the end of that measure

    Use any of the following methods:

    • Click on a note, then double click a line.
    • Drag and drop a line onto the score.

    To apply a line across a range of measures

    1. Select one or more measures;
    2. Double click a line in a palette.

    Lines and playback properties

    Some lines, such as Hairpins, Voltas, Ottavas etc., have a playback effect as well as being indicative. Each end handle is connected by a dotted line to an anchor on the staff (visible in Edit mode). These anchors indicate the extent of the playback effect.

    Adjust vertical position

    In Normal mode, apply one of the following methods:

    • Click on one or more lines and change the vertical offset in the Inspector;
    • Click on a line, press and hold Shift and drag it up/down with a mouse.

    Note: You can also adjust the vertical position in Edit mode.

    Juster længde

    1. Enter Edit mode and click on an end handle;
    2. Apply one of the following shortcuts:

      • Shift+ to move the end handle, and its anchor, right by one note (or, in the case of Voltas, one measure)
      • Shift+ to move the end handle, and its anchor, left by one note (or, in the case of Voltas, one measure);

      Note: This method allows the line to span systems when required, and ensures that playback coincides with the line's visual extent.

    3. if you wish to change the position of an end handle without changing the position of its anchor, apply one of the following:

      • to move the handle right by 0.1 sp (1 sp = one staff space = the distance between two staff lines).
      • to move the handle left 0.1 sp.
      • Ctrl+ (Mac: Cmd+) to move the handle right one sp.
      • Ctrl+ (Mac: Cmd+) to move the handle left one sp.

      Note: You can also drag the endpoint handles with a mouse.

    Text lines

    A text line is a line that has text embedded within it—such as a volta, ottava, guitar barre line etc.

    When you apply a text line to the score from a palette, the line properties always remain unchanged, but the text properties may, under certain circumstances, assume those of the current style for text lines. For details, see Behavior of applied text and lines.

    Custom lines

    Any line in the score can be customized by adjusting its properties in the Inspector, as follows:

    1. Select the line;
    2. If line hooks are needed, make a selection from Begin hook, End hook and Height (in the Text Line Core section);
    3. To add text, tick Begin Text, Continue Text or End Text, then type in the "Text" box:
      • Begin: Text added here appears at the beginning of the line;
      • Continue: Text added here appears at the beginning of a continuation line;
      • End: Text added here appears at the end of the line;
    4. Edit text properties and alignment as required;
    5. Edit Placement: "Above" or "Below" sets the text so that it is on the line. "Left" places the text to the left of the line;
    6. Make adjustments to the line color, thickness and style (solid, dashed etc.) in the Line section. The Diagonal option allows you to create a diagonal line by dragging the end handles;
    7. To save the result for future use, see Custom palettes.

    Copying lines

    Once applied to the score, lines cannot be copied using the usual copy and paste procedures. However, you can duplicate lines within a score:

    • Press and hold Ctrl+Shift (Mac: Cmd+Shift), click on the line and drag it to the desired location.

    Extended ornament lines

    To add an accidental to an extended ornament, such as a trill line, select the line and double-click a symbol from the Accidentals palette.

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