
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Segno and repetition error PB61 6 vor 9 Jahren
Issue stems of bottom staff notes wrong with cross staff beaming Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Cross staff beaming causes messed up layout of chords with seconds. guifre 5 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Crashes when pasting lyrics from text editor ChurchOrganist 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Respacing after Hiding Time Signature bwv582 2 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Custom chord symbol set Martin Organpipe 10 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Symbols creating a glissando wavy line are not completely aligned under Windows ABL 4 vor 9 Jahren
Issue startcenter doesn't work Jojo-Schmitz 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Merge vocal lines together to create a piano score? alicorn2 6 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Parts do not inherit any metatag from score, shouldn't they? Jojo-Schmitz 0 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Multiple Key Signature Changes rwmol 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic note on line next to note on space at same time hill0093 4 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Title question--beta 2.0 scottw46 8 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic replace note with rest jrp.nop 6 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic removeNote jrp.nop 7 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Program crash using Musescore with Yosemite Ned Kelly 8 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Help Selecting multiple staves [DELETED] 597046 2 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Select only melody without others Vyšata 4 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic noten invoeren Ton Goossens 2 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore Beta change language Zynette 4 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Crashes when inserting 3 whole notes using (+). thespian 11 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic send and print karelmollen 9 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Part won't fully print prodigyboy 1 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Create a single voice from score Not-en_Fool 2 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Quarter Tone Playback Plugin taylor.mefford.92 3 vor 9 Jahren