
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Lyrics top margin representing distance from lowest note of staff in system CombatCube 11 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Create a part causes a crash cadiz1 10 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic selecting a key sig shows "List Selection" in status line Jojo-Schmitz 2 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Using MIDI Remote Control disables chord input shoogle 10 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Joining scores via the album feature should separate the scores by a line- and a section break. Jojo-Schmitz 11 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Reducing actual duration corrupts tuplets David Bolton 7 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Text Style duplicates? Shoichi 2 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Minor issue with end barlines not superseding existing barlines on measure delete mjzwick 2 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Breath marks import incorrectly from 1.x files ChurchOrganist 6 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Grating online accordion sound? Andy Fielding 2 vor 10 Jahren
Issue lyrics move line in parts Jojo-Schmitz 4 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic problem compiling MuseScore jim.newton.562 5 vor 10 Jahren
Issue A "breath" is played in a wrong position gajatko 11 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Adding a meta tag to a part causes crash Jojo-Schmitz 2 vor 10 Jahren
Issue crash in startup when trying to open recent score, which got removed meanwhile Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 10 Jahren
Issue crash in startup when trying to open recent score, which got removed meanwhile Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Converting Entire Score to Half-Time from 4/4 JimJPiano 1 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Drumset sounds chen lung 4 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Mehrtaktpause MS 2.0 spielen 1 vor 10 Jahren
Issue changes to metatags don't make score 'dirty' Jojo-Schmitz 3 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Changing number of staves evilweevil 1 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Accidental with a bracket monday-anagram 3 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic How add a new line to continue with music in the same key gabrielle.thum 1 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Bugs connecting notes Studio Drummer 10 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Double / triple clicking to select the staff on one system / for the whole score gsagostinho 6 vor 10 Jahren