Jump after second volta

• Feb 6, 2021 - 08:43

Hello. I want to play the piece until the repeat sign, then repeat and play the second volta, and then jump to after the repeat sign. I found this: https://musescore.org/en/node/291062 and if I understood correctly, for my case I should use the -
to Coda
D.S. al Coda
However right now the score repeats and plays the second volta, but then goes on as the first volta intead of jumping to the coda.
I'm attaching the score so you can tell me what I did wrong.

Attachment Size
Lullaby musecore pdf.pdf 64.29 KB


In reply to by davil

You wrote:
I want to play the piece until the repeat sign...

I see a start repeat sign at measure 8 and then an end repeat at measure 42. Also, there is no end repeat at the first volta (measure 23). Is this a mistake?

Rather than detail the inaccurate playback (which no one can hear because your picture cannot play the score) please attach the actual MuseScore file -- i.e., the .mscz file -- and not that .pdf picture.
Also explain precisely how you want the score to play. (Not how it currently/incorrectly plays.)
For example:
I want MuseScore to...
Play measures 1 through 23
Then from measure 23 (volta #1) go to (repeat) measure 7 and play until measure... etc.


In reply to by davil

"Play from measure 1 to 42 ( first volta )"

What? Your first volta is shown in measures 22-23, not measure 42.

Currently your score has first volta and second volta not separated by an end-repeat barline, so you are trying to misuse the Volta convention. Voltas are also referred to as first- and second-time endings, and are used to indicate a different section to play at the end of a repeat.

Please look at the examples of voltas in the Handbook:

In reply to by DanielR

Sorry, I meant that I want the piece to play until measure 23 ( the first volta ) and then keep playing until 42.
And for your question "Also, there is no end repeat at the first volta (measure 23). Is this a mistake?", no, it isn't because I want the first volta to play, then keep going until measure 42, only then jump back to measure 8, and then play until the second volta, and then skip measures 27 - 42 and jump to measure 43.

In reply to by DanielR

Other people may offer better advice, but there is one way to play what you want.

Here is an adapted score, which has these changes:
1. In the measure before the "1st Volta", insert a "To Coda" (which will happen only on the 2nd play).
2. Move your "2nd Volta" measures to after the end-repeat, at the start of the final section.
3. Then remove all the Volta lines.
4. Change the start-repeat and end-repeat barlines into double-barlines (just as visual landmarks).
5. Instead of the start-repeat, insert a Segno.
6. Instead of the end-repeat, insert a DS al Coda.
7. Insert a horizontal frame to separate the original repeat section from the final section.
8. Mark the final section as a Coda.

BTW, the attached score is in MS 3.6.1 format.

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