Pecussion part
I have a small ensemble score which includes several percussion instruments, but only one percussionist is required, since only one percussion instrument is played at any one time.
I'm trying to make a separate part including all and only the percussion instruments, but I can't seem to do it. It looked like the part of the manual that says:
Add instruments to a part
To add instruments to an existing part:
Select the part in the "Parts" pane.
Select the instrument from the "Instruments in Score" pane.
Press + to add it to the "Instruments in Part" pane.
OK, so I click on File/Parts and get a pane labelled Parts.
In that pane in the Select Part area I click on Bass Drums, and that item is highlighted.
But I cannot "Select the instrument from the 'Instruments in Score' pane" because all the instrument names in that pane are greyed out and nothing happens when I click on one.
Am I missing something?
I would use only one percussion instrument and set "Change Instrument" from text palette at the required spots.
In reply to I would use only one… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thanks I will try that.
How many percussion instruments are we talking about, and what are they? Unless I'm missing something, I wouldn't be looking at any tricks involving multiple parts or instrument changes, I'd just create one single "Percussion" instrument and make sure its drumset definition included all the sounds I wanted. Then I'd notate everything on that one staff.
In reply to How many percussion… by Marc Sabatella
The score I have in mind has bass drum throughout, some measures of tambourine, and one measure of crash cymbal, none of them played at the same time. But how do I create an instrument? I can't see anything on the Edit/Instruments panel that creates a new instrument not already in the list, and handbook searches on add instrument or create instrument didn't find anything about this.
In reply to The score I have in mind has… by jcorelis
Just add the existing "Percussion" instrument (or Drumset), then use Edit Drumset as necessary (and as documented in the Handbook under drum notation) to specify the specific types of notes you want.