rests and/or slashes misbehaving?

• Jun 9, 2022 - 00:39

I just installed ver into a new W10 PC on SSD. I copied score files from HDD > SSD. Seemed to go fine.
As I open files, it seems is a new format - I accept and save.
I am having trouble getting rests and/or rhythmic slashes to appear in a 3/4 time acoustic guitar TAB staff where I have not entered any notes.

Is this just a "settings" issue, or TAB staff bugs in new version, or operator err?
Sample attached.

Attachment Size
AngelBand-Solo.mscz 10.07 KB


It's not clear what you were wanting to have happen here. If you put slash notation on the staff, it will indeed interfere with any notes / free markings that are also on the staff. It's not clear why you're entering slashes at all hear, but if the goal is to show a comping rhythm to go along with the melody, that would normally be done above the staff. So instead of using Fill With Slashes, you'd enter your desired rhythm in voice 3 and use Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation. See the Handbook section on Tools for more info.

This hasn't changed since the slash notation feature was introduced many years ago.

As for rests, that's a totally different matter. By default, tab staves don't show rests. if you want to use one of the tab styles that does show rests, you can either select the "Full" style in Edit / Instruments, or, using your current custom tab style, go to Staff/Part Properties, then Advanced Style Properties, and enable "Show rests" on the "Note Values" tab

Again, this hasn't changed in since the tab feature was introduced many years ago.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc: THX for your reply. I've now played with slashes, toggle, v1, v2, v3 for 1.5 hrs, read the handbook TOOLS,
and I really dont get it, worse yet, I dont get what I call "consistent behavior." (yeah, I know its the OP).
1) open fresh copy of what I sent, click in a white between staves area, then click on some /, then other /
(one at a time), and some show up in green v2, some show in blue v1. worse, the same / will sometimes be v1 other times v2 according to color at top.
2) sometime the file name will suddenly have a * even though I did not make any changes that I know about.
3) how do I enter a note into time slot#2? Highlight a meas, hit N, and cursor is restricted to time slot#1. Using my 3/4 measures.
My goal:
to enter single or dbl 1/4 notes into the 3 times slots in 3/4 time in any sequence I choose (say slot3, then slot1), and have the empty time slots filled with /.
The only way I found to do it is to first fill with / (3 show up), then to delete exactly one where I want a note, enter input mode (N), put in the note or 2, continue in this fashion: deleting /, enter note.
4) I never could get / in v3 to appear above staff. I thought this and notes in v1 might be OK.

Thanks again for your years of support.

In reply to by dpenny

1) The notes you entered into voice 1 will be blue, the notes you entered into voice 2 will be green. That's normal and correct and how it has always been. The slashes for some measures are in voice 2, presumably because you used Fill With Slashes in those measures after already entering voice 1. Any time you used Fill With Slashes before entering any other notes, MuseScore will choose voice 1. MuseScore always chooses the lowest-number unused voice to enter slashes when using this command.

2) If you import a file from an older version of MuseScore, that's already a change of sorts.

3) I'm not sure what you mean by "slot#2", but if you mean, how to enter a note on beat 2 of a measure, then answer is, move you cursor to that beat. So if you are entering quarter notes, enter a note on beat one and hit the cursor once. If you are entering eighth notes, enter a note on "1", cursor, enter a note on "1&", cursor. In standard notation the cursor move automatically, but by request of guitarists, the cursor does not move automatically in tab, because so often people want to enter full chords.

I'm not understanding your goal here, as I'm still not sure what you mean by "slots" or whiy you have both notes and slashes in the same measure. But if you attach a score before it gets into a state you don't like - when it's still looking correct to you - then describe one thing in one measure you want to change, we can more easily help, by giving you the precise steps to do that one thing.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think I am making progress understanding “slash fills.” I want / and notes in same measure to show passage of time, same as a rest. I thought I'd try / rather than rest. Never thought I'd get into this HASSLE. New upload to ensure we are working w same score file:
a) Most simple Q, can I change the style of / to be bold? If so, how?
b) Filling blank meas w /, then exchanging v1-3 does not put /s above staff as Handbook says
c) Filling mea5 w / behaves VERY differently than filling meas10, even the "moved" notes m5 are wrong.
d) On note entry (select mea, hit N) , in measures 12+, cursor will not move to beat 2 or 3 without entering some note in beat1. Works fine meas11. Measure properties seem same to me.

Attachment Size
AngelBand-Solo2.mscz 10.12 KB

In reply to by dpenny

a.) No. The slash notehead is part of the "musical font" used for notation, that remains true for tab as well

b.) Correct and (somewhat) intentional. If the slashes are created in voice 3, then they'll be above the staff. Test this out by entering a note in voice 1 & 2 and then issue the Fill with slashes command.
If you wish to fix the horizontal position of already existing slashes, you'll have to select them and adjust their "fix to line" property accordingly, using the inspector.

c.) I think the cause here is that the "slash" used the D3 note on the same string as where you already had notes in m5. To accommodate the slashes, the existing notes on that same string were moved downward two strings (not one, because a note already was there). The moved notes have an identical pitch for me, so are not "wrong" at all.
Though I would consider this behavior to be unlikely the expected user behavior and propose you enter a feature request to get this changed.

d.) This only works "fine" in m11 because you already have 3 quarter rests entered there (possibly from previous slashes that have been deleted?). This becomes very easy to spot when you turn on rest visibility in the Advanced Staff/Part properties. All following measure still have the default measure rest in them.
The expectancy here though is not to enter notes "by beat" (often enough you need different durations anyhow) but left-to-right, just as how you'd read them.
To enter a note on beat 2, you'd need a rest on beat 1; so first enter that (semicolon does that).
Have another look at with that knowledge in mind.

Part of your issues stem from trying to abuse the slashes feature for something it isn't quite meant to be used (as rests); which brings me to two items:

1. Why not enable rests visibility? Sounds like that'd fulfill your need by showing you exactly how long a duration the silence lasts..

2. How about using the following steps instead, to give you beat indicators over the entire score before starting note entry:

  1. Select the entire (blank) score
  2. Tools > Fill with Slashes
  3. Select the entire (now slashes) score
  4. Tools > Voices > Exchange voice 1 & 3
  5. Change the "fix to line" value in the Inspector to '-1'

In reply to by dpenny

I think it would help to take a step back and ask yourself, why are you trying to add slashes? Simple slashes showing each beat are virtually never used in music that also shows actual notes - it's normally one or the other.

It sounds like maybe you are trying to create a special experimental style of notation where you use slashes to show where the beat is, to aid people in guessing the rhythms of the tab. Am I understanding correctly? If so, is there a reason to do this instead of simply showing the rhythm of the tab directly like publishers would normally do, using stems etc? I'm not aware of published music that does what it sounds like you are trying to do, and it's likely to confuse musicians reading it, because slashes normally mean something else.

Rhythms in tab are normally shown through other means, which you can get by switching to the "common" or "full" instead of "simple" tab styles, in Edit / Instruments. But if you wish to experiment with this new style, I'd recommend

As mentioned, using voices to place slashes above below works if you do that fiorst, before converting to slashes. But also, it's not meant for simple beat slashes like this, because as mentioned, that's not normally done inpublished music. The slashes above/below the staff are to show specific rhythms, not just counting beats. And that's why I think trying to do this is likely to just confuse musicians, so i don't recommend trying, For for the record, you can change the line used for slashes using the "Fix to line" sertting in the Inspector, as mentioned. This isn't recommended, and may not be supported in MuseScore 4.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think my / inquiry is over thanks to all you guys. And yes I was/am trying a style of notation to use in the acoustic guitar jamming circles I participate in. I wanted something MORE than lyrics with chord letters above them (produced by Word or any text editor), and LESS than staves (or TABs) filled with notes. The hardest thing for jammers, IMO, is to keep time/rhythm/groove together particularly when there are "silences." The tune, Angel Band (as I have arranged it), is a perfect example wherein a silent beat (in 3/4 time) moves around measure to measure, and a vocalist may do it still differently.


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