Solved: Help with repeat and segno

• Jul 27, 2022 - 02:55

The idea is for this sheet play the first time from measure 1 to 35, see the D.S. al Coda, jump to Segno on measure 8, continue playing through the end @ measure 49.

The first jump works fine, it returns to measure 8, plays ok, but skips the 1st end (at the 2nd time) and jumps to the 2nd ending, on measure 32, and continues to coda.

It should play through the repeat starting at measure 24, return at measure 31 to that measure, do the 2nd ending at measure 32 and continue to the coda on measure 36.

Attached MuseScore file.

Any help appreciated.

Attachment Size
Meu barracão - Noel Rosa - A.mscx 145.61 KB


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