Repeats and Codas act weird when you try to nest them

• Sep 3, 2022 - 03:36

I was writing a score wherein there is a section in the middle of the score I wanted to repeat using a D.S. al Coda, but also use repeat barlines to repeat the whole song over, and the Coda jumps just weren't working, so I decided to look into it, and this is what I found out. (Ex.2 is like a short representation of what I was trying to do)

---Observed Behavior---
Ex.1 - D.S. nested in a repeat (play count 3): Only performs the the D.S. on the last repeat.

Ex.2 - D.S. nested in a repeat (play count 3) with a To Coda marking: Only performs the D.S. on the last repeat, but it does do the coda jump properly in isolation, does not on test_full.

Ex.3 - Repeat nested in 2 D.S. markings (to mimic a repeat play count of 3): Only performs the inner repeat on the first run through the D.S. markings

Ex.4 - Nested Repeats (outer play count 3): Repeat point at the start of the score is completely ignored.

Ex.5 - Nested Repeats (outer play count 3) with voltas: Repeat point at the start of the score is completely ignored, voltas act properly for inner repeat, everything in both voltas is skipped on outer repeat. This can cause the score to end before repeating a 2nd time if the seconda volta covers the last measure (shown in test_full).

Note: All of this has been successfully replicated in the most recent nightly builds for both MuseScore 3 and 4 as of posting

---Preferred Behavior---
Ex.1&2 - Have them act as nested repeats, so the D.S. would play out as it does on the last repeat, but it does that every time, instead of being completely ignored every time before the last.

Ex.3 - This one's weird, as it is incorrect notation to use a D.S. to indicate a repeat of the whole song (and I would NEVER stack D.S. markings on top of each other normally), but it is also weird that the program just ignores the barline repeats after the first time through.

Ex.4&5 - These probably don't have to be changed to act as nested repeats, since notation like this is cruel and unusual for musicians reading it, but it was interesting to observe either way, although the voltas in example 5 do sort of imply a nested repeat structure if you think about it.

Attachment Size
Ex1.mscz 6.89 KB
Ex2.mscz 7.08 KB
Ex3.mscz 7.12 KB
Ex4.mscz 7.6 KB
Ex5.mscz 7.86 KB
test_full.mscz 21.46 KB


Your first example says DS al coda, but there is no doa, so no surprise MuseScore gets confused. Generally, any error in the repeat structure will cause unpredictable results.

Second one has the Coda within the repeat, which also doesn't really make sense. I think maybe I can guess what you are trying to do, but it's not really clear to me as an experienced musician, so again, not surprising MuseScore might not be able to guess your intent here either. It kind of looks like something that would be more easily represented with voltas, though.

Third one makes no sense at all - two different segnos and two differen DS's in the same spots with the same labels? But, not weird that repeats are ignored on the DS, that's standard. if you wish to tell musicians to take repeats on a DS, you should write that in explicitly, and if you want to tell MuseScore to do so, you should check the corresponding box in the Inspector.

Basically, nested repeats are fine for C++, but they don't really work well for music except for that specific case - repeats within a DS< if you explicitly tell musicians and MuseScore that you want this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yeah, most of the examples are pretty weird, as I am just using D.S. al coda and segno to act like repeat barlines to see what would happen. The easiest way to explain what I was trying to originally do would be like having the second 2 measures be repeated after measure 6, then jump to the last two every time all 8 measures are repeated in the examples. I'd prefer not to share the actual score where I was trying to achieve this kind of repeat-within-a-repeat thing for privacy reasons, but if that would make it easier to understand, I could. I can say, however, that the inspector solution probably wouldn't work as that would force me to place the DS at the end with no coda, like in the example, but of course not 2 of them.

Edit: I managed to brute force a solution using the inspector box you told me about. It looks terrible, but I'm not focused on making the repeats make sense on actual sheet music yet, I just want to have the inner section written only once to make edits easier. When I decide to print it for playing, I'll probably just take the inner section and copy paste it over and just have repeat barlines. These two short examples should show what I mean: they play back the same, but one is the worst thing I've ever seen with every measure only written once, and the other is actually readable, but I'd have to remember to also edit measure 7 should I edit measure 3.

They act "weird" because they're not really meant to be used as a nesting mechanism. Marc already explained some of it, but I'll try to address your examples by explaining the rationale as to why they behave as they do currently.

Ex 1. The behavior here is entirely Correct and expected; it is a rule in standard notation that a Jump instruction is only followed when the final of the normal repeats for that measure (or volta covering it) is reached.
Another rule is that a jump should result in jumping into either the first normal repeat (when "play repeats" is enabled) or (the common case by convention) into the last normal repeat of the target.
While it is not unthinkable that we expand on the Jump possibilities, it requires some care to ensure we don't break the expected standard notation interpretation of them in addition to a lot more "logical roadmap tracking" for processing those possibilities.
And while we're on the subject, a Jump by convention also does not increase the repeat/playback count (which results in some volta combination oddities); a thing that should also be reconsidered and designed around when allowing multiple jump execution.

Ex 2. Again this behaves as expected in accordance with standard notation interpretation rules. Due to the Coda being inside the repeated section, one could arguably make a case for expecting that the repeat should be retaken three times, as the coda itself should consider resetting the repeat count as well.

Ex 3. You might've gotten a bit more understanding from the previous responses, but here again there is nothing actually weird going on (playbackwise).
What is a bit weird is that you've used a "D.S. al Coda" instead of just a plain "D.S." since you've skipped the "to coda" part of the instruction anyway. You also only need a single Segno marking/label at the beginning; MuseScore only uses the last of them and never even finds the first segno when processing that score.
To re-iterate the rules you're encountering here:
* A Jump instruction is only executed once normal repeats have been exhausted
* By convention, after a Jump only the "final/last" repeat/version of the score is played (this is why the normal repeat bars are "ignored" after the jump). If instead one should jump to the first normal repeat, then an explicit instruction is expected (f.e. change the jump to read "D.S. con rep." and check the "with repeats" option in the inspector for MuseScore to pick up on that instruction).
* A Jump instruction is only executed once (which is why you need both jumps there). I hope to address this in a future release, but no promises as to when.. You can of course here as well edit the text of one of them to indicate it should be followed twice, then mark the other one invisible.
As a sidenote: the order in which the jumps are followed if they are set on the same measure as in this example is arbitrary and not guaranteed.

Ex 4. Nested repeats don't exist in standard notation. An end-repeat barline always sends you back to the most recently encountered start repeat barline. While the reason for this might seem not so clear in your example, it is exactly this convention that makes the alternative endings known as voltas work.
However, for small nestings such as in the example, there are some tricks one can employ; see for an example score.

Ex 5. As for the ignoring of the first repeat barline (fun fact: the start of the score by convention already acts as such; there isn't really a need to insert a start repeat barline at the start of a score) see the reply to Ex 4.
So this again, to me; plays back entirely according to the rules of standard notation.
Re "score can end prematurely": Yes, a volta can have that "effect", if there is nothing to play on a certain repeat, then there is nothing left to do. You can even test this without repeats at all. Just add a 2nd volta over some measures in a no-repeat score and they'll be skipped as well.

If your intent was to just have a single file with each example one after the other, then you're missing section breaks in-between them. On the thing about Jumps is that convention also requires them to work within a movement/section by default. Only if a referenced marker can not be found inside the current section should one look into other sections.
Since you didn't put those in, you'll notice already that the Jump from Ex 2 is not taken, as we're still looking for the "coda" of the first example, which is found here and thus forwards over to the coda, in doing so skipping over the jump of Ex 2...

--- RE: preferred behavior ---
Ex 1 & 2: As explained in the separate responses, having the Jump being executed on every repeat would break 2 (3 if you're pedantic) of the standard notation rules for them.
While I don't exclude us ever making such an interpretation a possibility in the future, it's highly unlikely to ever become the default interpretation in MuseScore because its simply not how notation works.

Ex 3. I believe I've touched on all of these points above. I'll only add that yes, using D.S. to repeat an entire song isn't very common; however using a D.C. is. It is used mostly in choral works where you have verses or a chorus that already has a repeat; then at the end of a score there is just a simple D.C. indication. The expectancy is for that D.C. to be executed "con. rep" and multiple times, even though nothing for the D.C. command itself indicates this. The lyrics for the song are expected to make that effect clear then.
To my knowledge, this is the only situation in classic standard notation where a Jump is honored multiple times. In MuseScore one can fake this by adding it multiple times and hide all but one of them.

Ex 4 & 5. I find it interesting that you'd see the voltas of 5 being a clearer indication of nesting than 4. To me, it had the exact opposite effect. When a volta is encountered, "it is known" that these are all alternative endings to the preceding start repeat, making it less clear that nesting is going on.
If you do ever want to go for nesting, I strongly suggest the use of non-standard repeat barlines (such as in the linked example) to make it clear which pairs of barlines are linked together. I'd also use this only for very short nestings, where both the inner and outer repeat can be spotted in the same page, or preferably system even.

If you're interested in some standard examples that drive this logic, have a look at the automated test suite of scores we use for this in MuseScore; available at

So again, I think we will at some point in the future evolve the possibilities of Jumps and Repeats above and beyond default standard notation capabilities (in some areas, we already do); but it requires some thought to be put both into keeping the default interpretation in accordance with standard notation as well as into how to provide an understandable and usable UX around the multitude of complexities in roadmaps those additional capabilities open up.

In reply to by jeetee

Thank you for this reply, it's so thorough! To address the fact that most of what I did goes against standard notation, I'm sure it's already apparent, but my knowledge regarding proper sheet music notation is very narrow, and I mainly use MuseScore for the sake of producing audio files, not sheet music to be read. As for why I use MuseScore instead of a DAW, I just find sheet music to be the easiest way to write, and I originally got MuseScore around 4-5 years back because it's free, and I just like how it operates, so even if I get a DAW or a more fancy program at some point, my creative process will always start with MuseScore. Anyway, while proper notation isn't a primary concern for me when writing, it is cool to learn about it and why MuseScore does what it does in those cases (most of the examples were just for fun to see what would happen and to have a sort of deep dive into how it handles repeats/jumps).

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