large space between solo voice staff and piano accompaniment problem

• Sep 20, 2022 - 22:55

On the 2nd page of my composition, the 7th system has a large space between the solo voice staff and the piano accompaniment. I have tried just about everything I can find in the handbook to fix it, but it's not working. How do I fix the one system large spacing on my composition? Thanks, Renee


Most likely it will turn out you accidentally dragged something way above or way below a staff and MuseScore is making room for it. As mentioned, once you attach the score, we can help you find it, but maybe that's enough of a clue to let you find it yourself. Once you do, Ctrl+R resets it.

In reply to by Renee1216

Actually. copyright law fully protects your creation the moment you write it down or record it - this is true of virtually single country on earth due to international treaties. Plus, this is a support forum, not a place where people come to steal music. So there is absolutely nothing to worry about here.

In reply to by Renee1216

Make a copy of your work, delete some irrelevant pieces for your problem and/or alienate parts of it to protect your work. Then you can post this piece without fear of copyright issues.
You may already be able to figure out what went wrong by taking this action.

In reply to by HildeK

That's a good idea. I thought I would start with just taking out that 7th system, so I began the process with the first measure, and wouldn't you know, it must have been in that measure, because as soon as I deleted the notes, the system corrected itself, and so I accidentally stumbled on the fix. Shocking! But thank you for your comments, and others, because I learned something else about Musescore and what to watch out for. Renee

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