Copyright receiving

• Nov 17, 2022 - 05:14

Hello, I would like to receive official copyright confirmation for my arrangement of Tchaikovsky's "German Song". This score will participate in the competition and the organizers ask about copyright. Could you help me please?


In reply to by grichshenkool

Not that I am qualified, but in addition to registering one's compositions with the societies in one's own countries (e.g., SIAE, in Italy), usually for a fee, posting on a site (I am referring to the commercial side of MuseScore: .com) can testify to the date of sharing. See also:
Keep in mind that .org is dedicated to the opensource and free MuseScore software, see:

Understand, we're not lawyers here and cannot give true legal advice. But some of us do have some experience you may be able to learn from.

If the piece itself is public domain in your country, you already have the copyright for your arrangement - you don't need to do anything else. You are welcome to contact your country's copyright office to "register" the copyright, but that is virtually always optional. The Berne convention signed by almost all countries on earth establishes that the copyright is yours the most you write the piece, no registration needed. So, just put a copyright notice on the piece and call it good.

If the piece is still under copyright in your country (not likely), however, you need to get permission from the copyright holders before you can be allowed to sue your arrangement.

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