Cannot Change Alignment of Footer Text

• Dec 20, 2022 - 16:19


I have just started using MuseScore 4 and working my way through a number of existing scores, noticing that I cannot change the alignment of footer text. It remains centered, even when selecting left or right aligned (also when updating the style sheet).

Thanks for looking into this.


Attachment Size
Wals (Ferdinando Carulli).mscz 22 KB


This is because the footer has three different placement zones (left/center/right) and your text is assigned to the "center" box.

Open up Format > Style > Headers & Footers and move the $C from the center to the left field instead.

In reply to by jeetee

Thank you, Jetee.

I have corrected the Headers & Footers style accordingly, to left-align the copyright text. Does make me wonder why there is the option to change alignment under the Footer style, though. Maybe that would be for some other type of 'freestyle' footer. Anyway, my issue is now resolved, so thanks again.


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