Adding flats/sharps with arrow key
In a piece in C, hitting arrow-down on a C gives a B. Could I have shift-arrow-down (or something) for C-flat? And once more for C-double-flat? I was notating a piece with lots of double accidentals and it was just crazy how much my mouse had to race from the notes to the accidentals palette. Pretty please?
non-mouse for MS3 please try pressing "J"…
In reply to non-mouse for MS3 please try… by msfp
That's pretty close. but it will not get me a Cbb from a Bb.
In reply to That's pretty close. but it… by Victotronics
another non-mouse eg assign hotkey to add bb
> once more for C-double-flat?
.tpc .tpc1 and .tpc2
In reply to That's pretty close. but it… by Victotronics
You can define shortcuts for the double-flat and double-sharp in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.