Manual Measure Number Override

• Jan 2, 2023 - 17:22

I'm trying to transcribe an excerpt for a student of mine using Musescore and want my copy to be as close to the original as possible. The excerpt would require me to have a measure 4a between measures 4 and 5. I'd like to be able to manually override the measure number displayed, not just add or subtract to the measure number count.
Is there already a way to do this? If so, how? If not, is this a feature that can be added at some point?


"I'd like to be able to manually override the measure number displayed, not just add or subtract to the measure number count."

I can suggest the following in MS3 for measure 4a:
- right-click to bring up Measure Properties option
- under "Other" enable the checkbox "Exclude from measure count", click OK
- select first note/rest of measure, create a Staff Text, edit its contents to "4a"
- in the Inspector, set the Style of this text to Measure Number
Fake Bar Number.jpg

For MS4, it seems to me that some properties of Measure are not yet surfaced in Properties. Perhaps someone can suggest a solution?

Attachment Size
Fake Bar Number.mscz 4.07 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

"... nothing has changed about Measure Properties in MuseScore 4"
Yes, you're quite right. I stupidly assumed that everything relating to Properties would be in the Properties panel!

But the relevant properties like "Exclude from measure count" still rely on the right-click menu option "Measure properties..." - just like MS3.

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