How to make line Not whole width of page

• Mar 13, 2023 - 22:21

I have a chord chart with a segment that is 14 bars, in groups of 4, that leaves 2 bars.
I want these bars to be the same size as the bars on the 4 per bar line, but I can't make it work.
I tried adding horz box,but it put it in between the bars, not at the end, so I could drag it over.

It looks odd, and I'm afraid it will throw people off with these two long bars. I've been searching the web/forum for an hour and can't figure it out. I know there must be a way, but so far, no luck.

Any ideas?


How did you add the "box" (aka horizontal frame)? What happens when you do Add >Frames >Append horizontal frame?

Another way would be to have 4 bars in the final line but make the last 2 invisible (right-click, Bar properties, untick the "Visible" boxes.

In reply to by underquark

I updated to the latest, 4.0.2, for the record, but I couldn't do it in 3.6, which is why I upgraded.

I have the verse with 4 bars per line, then these last 2 bars. Right after that is one more line of 4 bars. I used System Break to make that line 2 bars.

If I select the second bar and pick insert horz frame, it puts it between the 1st and second. If I append, it puts it at the end of the song.

In Measure Properties, there is a Visible checkbox, but it is greyed out, probably because this is the only staff? Not sure.

It's really strange it forces this whole page width and I can't manually adjust the width wherever I want. It really looks off like this.

In reply to by Ripgtr1

"I have a chord chart with a segment that is 14 bars, in groups of 4, that leaves 2 bars.
I want these bars to be the same size as the bars on the 4 per bar line, but I can't make it work."

I interpreted that to mean you have two bars on the last line, in which case appending a frame should work. Regardless, you should still be able to put a frame in the middle of the score with a System break after it. Select the third bar, insert the frame then put the system break on the frame.

Attach your score and either a sketch if what you want or a precise description.

Attachment Size
temp_gap.mscz 14.75 KB

In reply to by underquark

It is pretty simple. The verse is grouped by 4 bars across the page. The last 2 bars of the verse, 17 and 18, I do not want to go all the way across the page, I want them the same length as the first to bars of the line above.
I've messed with frames, and breaks, and just can't get it to work. I'm pretty sure I did this once, years ago, but it isn't in my notes (I took notes of how to do different tasks).
I just want a simple chart for a recording session, it doesn't have to be fancy, but those two wide bars look weird and could throw someone off.

Attachment Size
I'll leave the Light on.mscz 18.18 KB

In reply to by Ripgtr1

Using your attachment: I'll leave the Light on.mscz
Delete the system break at bar 18 to place bars 17 - 22 on the same line.
Select bar 19 and use menu item: Add > Frame > Insert horizontal frame.
Select the horizontal frame you just inserted, and press 'Enter' to create a system break after the frame.
You can then change the width of the frame using the Width setting in the Properties panel, or by selecting the frame and dragging its handle or using the Left and Right cursor keys to change the width.

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