.mid files
I am new to Musescore. Please could you tell me if it is possible to input a .mid file into Musescore and have it translate this file into music notation?
I am new to Musescore. Please could you tell me if it is possible to input a .mid file into Musescore and have it translate this file into music notation?
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See: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/midi-import
In reply to See: https://musescore.org… by Shoichi
Thank you Shoichi, I am using Musescore 4. When going to "MIDI import" in the Musescore 4 Handbook the message: "MIDI import panel not currently implemented, making this section largely moot" aqppears.
Please would you clarify what is happening with this facility. I have reviewed the information given in Musescore 3 as per thelink you provided; will this function be enabled eventually in Musescore 4?
John Dickson
In reply to Thank you Shoichi, I am… by Bushy Eyebrows
what about opening the midi file in MS3 with the import panel, saving it in *.mscz (maybe in xml too) and opening it in MS4 for further work? You can have MS3 and MS4 installed in parallel.
In reply to Hi, what about opening the… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thank you for your suggestion, Pentatonus; I will give it a go!