apply measure duration propetries to multiple meausres at once

• Jul 4, 2023 - 16:49

I have been working with importing scanned 7/8 music (Romanian) xml into Musescore 3 and Musescore 4 using the latest Audiveris 5.3. Correcting scanned errors in Audiveris is not easy. The music gets imported with the default 4/4 with an extra 1/8 note rest at the end of every bar. I can change the measure property of a single bar which then plays the melody correctly. It is just too tedious to do this to all 32 or more measures. I have tried selecting a group of measures but the changes only apply to the one default measure first selected. Is there an easy way to fix this? A measure property "format" painter would be great (like what MS word has).
Is there a quick way to apply this measure property to other measures?

Attachment Size
Romanian.mscz 24.25 KB


I think the fastest way may be:
- create and insert an 8/8 time signature
- adjust measure property to 7/8 , click apply, click the little arrow pointing "right" to select the next measure.

edit: oh, just learnt that you can also delete the 8th rest with ctrl+delete and it will have the same effect as above

After the above steps you can insert a 7/8 time signature.

Be aware that there are quartoles in the Sibelius PDF that span the duration of a dotted quarter note.
These quartoles are weird because they consist of 16th instead of 8th (as they should if I'm not mistaken)
You have to reinput them: make a dotted quarter rest and input a quartole from the main menue.

In reply to by musikai

Thanks, I appreciate your reply. Using the right arrow simply moves the selection to the next measure. Setting the measure to 7/8 takes a bit of time using the pull down menus. Using Crtl-Delete on rest is more efficient but there is no way to select all the rests and crtl-delete them at once. A format brush would be very useful.

In reply to by catnip

Yes, I also tried selecting all the rests which can be done by right clicking on an eigth rest and selecting "more" - same value etc. (luckily Musescore does have this fine way of a filter, such selection methods and filters are really most important!)
But then ctrl+delete doesn't work on these multiple objects like it does on a single selection. (= feature request)

In reply to by musikai

An alternative approach: use an optical music recognition (OMR) program which handles time signatures better?

This example (using Sharpeye) handled the 7/8 time signature with no problem. It did choke on the quadruplets which are notated as 16th notes (semiquavers) in the PDF. Once I changed the 16th notes to 8th notes, the errors disappeared:

Good OMR is way quicker than manual entry of the notes.

Attachment Size
Romanian_song_OMR.musicxml 43.16 KB

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