The only way to make the world a better place is .......

• Sep 8, 2023 - 01:38

....... to do something that makes the world a better place.

Over the years that I have used MuseScore and followed the forums, I am moved by those who take the time and care enough to respond to so many questions and also angry demands.

Thank you for making the world a better place.


Comments fill it with music. I compose film score type music for the fun of it. It's a hobby. I don't post it on .com because it isn't my interest. On occasion, I'll make a video and write some music for it. But I write all the time. Is notation software ( my weapon of choice ) perfect. Not at all. And that's the challenge for me. I enjoy trying to make something meaningful with whatever tools there are. I don't even have MU3 on this computer. Is MU4 perfect? So many posts end with "I guess I'll go back to v3".
Everyone gets to decide for themselves.
I'll just continue to turn out my music.

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