Adding fingering to guitar tablature

• Sep 11, 2023 - 13:07


I'm having trouble with adding fingering numbers above notes when I'm writing in guitar tablature. When adding them to traditional notes they show above the notes, but on a guitar tablature note they won't. Is there a way to get the fingering numbers above a tablature note?

Thanks in advance.


"When adding them to traditional notes they show above the notes,"

It depends of the serie of fingering numbers you use. By default, if you use the second serie (intended for guitar) in the palette, the fingerings appear to the left of the notehead.
With standard notation and tablature too - as you can see in the image below - the fingering numbers remain above the TAB/notes when using the first serie of fingerings (rather intended for piano, eg)
It's a trick good to know.


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