how to delete a rest

• Oct 25, 2023 - 08:14

I tried to backspace & tried to delete, but cannot get rid of a rest. Please help. Thank you

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New.mscz 22.81 KB


Rests cannot be removed from measures, as they are the "empty" state of a measure. They can only be replaced by other notes or other duration rests. If you're asking how to remove the empty measures, you can select the desired measures and press ctrl+del or ctrl+backspace, or you can right click the measure and select "delete measures". Hope this helps.

In reply to by thetriangleforce

Note: Rests in Voice 1 cannot be suppressed (for the reasons given above). Like notes, however, they can be deleted for other reasons, such as reducing the duration of a measure to obtain an anacrusis. In this case, you use the Ctrl + Del command (selecting a note or a rest).
On the other hand, rests of the voices 2,3,4 can be deleted. But the advice is that it's better to hide them (for possible risks of corruption: I have to say that I don't know of any with V3, I don't know with V4).
Finally, in your attached file (almost empty, with three chords in one measure), it's not clear why you want to remove a rest. Could you be more precise?

Which rest(s) do you mean? Your example only has notes in measure 13, everything else are rests.
If you want to delete measures 1-12 completely, select them and press Ctrl+Delete. If you want to delete the measures from 14 to the end, select Tools/Remove Empty Trailing Measures.
If you just don't want to see the rests in the measures, select them and hide the rests by pressing 'v'. Then they will be light gray, but not printed or output in the PDF.

Or do you mean something completely different?

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