Musescore 4 How to delete score from score manager homepage

• Sep 5, 2023 - 18:33

I've been searching for a way to delete some scores from my homepage and it seems I can only add a new score, not delete an old one. Is there a fix in musescore 4?


This is simply a lsit of recently opened file s- it's a place where scores actually. To delete you score, use your computer's file browser to navigate to the folder and delete it as you would any other file. It will then also disappear form the list of recent files. You can also clear the list of recent files without deleting anything, from File / Open recent.

In reply to by antonioblasi1

You wrote:
I am trying to get scores from Sets or Favorites into Musescore4.

I'm assuming that by "Sets" or "Favorites" you mean the scores you view on
Take for, example, this "Rhapsody in Blue" from among your "Favorites":

Here's the .com online version, viewable in your web browser...
...from which you must download the MuseScore mscz file format, which you can open in the MuseScore 4 program which should be installed on your computer.
Save that downloaded file into your MuseScore 4 scores folder from which you can then play, edit, transpose, etc. using your own local copy of that score.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Where is the MuseScore4 folder and what is the command for downloading into it? How does it relate to Score Manager? Musescore4 has a tab that opens Score Manager. Ideally I would like to save or move any Favorite or Set score into Score Manager, then access it from the Score Manager online tab in Musescore4, thereby saving having to download. Thanks.

In reply to by antonioblasi1

You wrote:
Where is the MuseScore4 folder...
The MuseScore4 folder - i.e., where your scores are located - is found by using menu item: Edit > Preferences > General > Folders, then look for "Scores" - which shows the location of your MuseScore4 scores.

You wrote:
...what is the command for downloading into it?
When you download a mscz file from download it as a MuseScore .mscz file into a (perhaps OS dependent) "Downloads" folder, from which you can move it into your MuseScore4 folder. Then it will be accessible from within the MuseScore4 music notation program.

You wrote:
How does it relate to Score Manager?
There is this 'Score Manager":
...which is a .com manager;
and there is this "Score Manager":
Home tab.png
...which resides within the MuseScore 4 notation program, accessed by clicking the "Home" tab:

Also see:
and pay particular attention to the difference in saving/accessing scores locally or online:….
...which mentions "Score manager (online)".

You wrote:
Ideally I would like to save or move any Favorite or Set score into Score Manager...
Into MuseScore 4? To what end?
When you access:
All your favorites and sets are already accessible and playable on using the website's playback controls.

However, if you wish to access any of those scores through the MuseScore 4 notation program to, for example, make a piano reduction of the clarinet quartet version of:
...then you would download the score's mscz file and use the MuseScore 4 notation program - where you can modify the score to your liking.
All listings here:
...are only links to scores posted by others on .com.

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