Gregorian music
Hello. Is there any way to write gregorian-like music? No measures, no lines... no tempo
Hello. Is there any way to write gregorian-like music? No measures, no lines... no tempo
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Maybe this chapter from the handbook help you:
In reply to Maybe this chapter from the… by [DELETED] 1307581
It's very kind of you. I'll have a look at this. Thanks
I use to write it as stemless notes
In reply to I use to write it as… by sammik
Thanks for your advice.
Now I know how to manipulate stems.
I'm still trying to know how to write notes with no time signature, for religious and/or gregorian music-like. I mean the kind of music priests can read in their ritual, mass book. No stems, no time signature.
Thanks anyway.
In reply to Thanks for your advice. Now… by Lluisg2
There is an option, you can untick "show barlines" in Staff/Part properties -> Advanced style properties...
Or You can set each measure to have as many beats, as you need in Measure properties -> Actual duration
Or You can use some specialised program - Gregorio
In reply to There is an option, you can… by sammik
Oh, thank you. That's really helpful!