Potential Updates

• Jan 24, 2024 - 04:21

Hello Musescore Community,

This forum is dedicated solely to developmental suggestions aimed at enhancing the Musescore user experience. We're keen on receiving input on the following topics:

Integration of video for film scoring purposes.
Inclusion of free, classic sound fonts like Garritan, chiptunes, and others from Musescore 3.
Implementation of a software library marketplace within MuseHub, along with notifications for both free and paid new plug-ins.
We welcome input from both the musical and tech communities. Let's have a constructive discussion!


In reply to by Asher S.

This seems to have been a problem with Linux. I have all the sliders turned off. I only use the Hub to check for updates. then I quit it. There is much talk that the Hub MIGHT be dangerous based on the ports it uses. Nothing has been proved, as far as I know. I have it on four computers for over a year without issue.

In reply to by bobjp

having been on the, erm, security tester side of things, open ports on a system and possibly with development thinking of security is something to add later, and perhaps buggy software, ahem, the possibilities for someone penetrating a system become much higher, and in some cases, would not necessarily be reported for any number of reasons - secret backdoors for later use, theft of intellectual property on said systems, shared with script kiddies for fun, etc.

that said, someone on the hub side probably spent the money to have the system properly and fully tested.

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