Your score could not be published

• May 4, 2024 - 14:19

Error code 401 Authorisation required.

What is this? I am logged in and everything.


In reply to by stevelc777

You have my sympathies. Yes, the logging out and restarting musescore seems to work sometimes. And if that also fails, I have resorted to creating a new score and jettisoning the old, which is a real shame. There are so many glitches with this publishing process that I throw my hands up in despair. Reporting these problems to does not appear to have any effect. And as to the correct way to upload a score is concerned, there are quite a few anomalies in the user experience i.e. the upload screens; it can be very confusing.
Also, what is the difference between doing an upload from via the Update file button, and publishing from within a musescore score? The help text doesn't really explain.

What I suspect is that when MuseScore starts up, it authenticates. What I believe is that those credentials get stale and when you try to upload, they are out of date and no longer valid. Just save the file locally, restart MuseScore and it will get new credentials and save online just fine.

In reply to by Ali Wood

Publishing creates a new version that is separate from the local copy.

I don't know specifically what system they are using but most work in a similar manner. They don't use your username and password to access. They instead generate a token to authenticate each time and it has a predetermined time limit that it is valid.

When Musescore starts up, it gets an updated list of scores you have published for the "recent files" (Possibly just checking that they are still there but what counts is that it uses your credentials to access your account (as it should be.) Later, when you might want to access the site, the credentials may have expired (again, as it should be so people can't use old credentials to access your data)

Most times, you don't leave the program running long enough for it to be an issue and you don't even notice.
Personally, I just make it a routine to save locally before I try to publish online. If it has expired, I get the same error. All I do is close down the program and start it again and then it will publish online with no issue.

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