Failing to contact the support team

• Jun 3, 2024 - 12:29


I have been trying to contact the support team for days to cancel my trial subscription because I couldn't find where to do it on their website. After emailing them, I only received an automatically generated message stating that my email couldn't be sent. After further research, I found another way to contact them and cancel my subscription, but unfortunately, the trial period had already ended.

I received an email with two options to choose from:

Option A: 10-month additional access + your current 1-year PRO+ access + PRO+ features in mobile apps included (by choosing this option, you get a total of 22 months of PRO+ without additional charges).

Option B: 35% refund + your current 1-year PRO+ access + PRO+ features in mobile apps included (this way, you get back 35% of the paid funds and keep your 12-month subscription).

I do not want either of these options, but again, I cannot contact support or even reply to them. I have tried everything, but I always receive the notification below.

"MuseScore Support Team (
Your message couldn't be delivered because the recipient's email server (outside Office 365) suspected that your message was spam. To fix this, try to modify your message, or change how you're sending the message, using the guidance in this article: E-mailing Best Practices for Senders. Then resend your message. If you continue to experience the problem, contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to ask their email admin to add your email address or your domain name (the text after the "@" symbol in your email address) to their allowed senders list."

Thank you for your assistance. My Mail is:

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In reply to by lionardo1

Well, the person who sent you that email that you included gave you his email address. Did you try communicating with him? Another possibility is to communicate with your bank/credit card company.

Nevertheless, the only thing anyone here at can do is provide ideas and encouragement. No one here can actually do anything about You need to communicate with them. The links below provide information on how the difference between and works. Hopefully, it will be helpful.

Good luck with your mission to request a refund...

This webpage:
"Nobody here on musescore .org and its forums can help you with your request."
which is true, and so it also directs to .com with this:
"But find more details at…
Clicking on that link (unfortunately) leads to a dead end:
ending with: "Or just send us a message"
And so, back to square one... :-/

Anyway, in addition to providing encouragement, we at .org can also display empathy and understanding:
Sadly, you're not the first to be flummoxed by the musescore .com vs .org duality.

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