Plugin for search and replace in lyrics
The are many forum entries related to this topic.
Having edited and transcribed about 500 choral scores over the past years I have spend many hours editing lyrics and searching for mistakes. I finally got around to building my version 1 of a standard search and replace tool as a plugin. I prefer to view the text that I am changing in the musescore pane, because I get a better view at the context than in a separate text window, especially when it comes to voices and verses.
Short summary of the functionality:
The plugin finds all occurrences of lyric syllables that contain the given search string and paints them in color in the score. The current item is highlighted by an additional frame.
• “Search All” will start the search and highlights all matches
Doing "search all" again during the editing, will abort the current process and start new from the beginning of the score with the new pattern.
• “Next”: Move to the next match without changing anything
• “Replace”: Pushing the “replace” button will substitute the search pattern in the current syllable with the replace pattern and move to the next match.
You can also edit the text in the “replace value” field. With the “ENTER” key the values is substituted in the lyrics line and tzhe process moves to the next match.
• “Replace All” will do the replace action for all remaining matches in the score until the and.
• “Close” will cleanup all the highlighting and close the plugin.
Make sure to leave the plugin always with this button or you might have some colored lyrics left.
(I could not get the onClosing event to work yet. Any hints here are welcome)
Traversing the list of matches is controlled by the setting at the top of the plugin window:
This defines the sorting of the matches.
Possible values:
tick- part – staff - voice – verse
Default value is tick, this means the items appear in the order the have in the timeline, going vertical through each segment of the score. Choosing any other value from the list above means that the match list is first traversed horizontally through the score on that level (eg. staff).
Technically this is done by using the above list for the sorting priority, with the tick property moved behind the specified value.
Known issues:
• Only for Musescore 3 at the moment.
a) Musescore 4 is still missing some features I heavily rely on for my work
b) With the plugin framework to be changed soon it makes no sense for me to invest time at the moment.
• Highlighting is done by modifying the score (coloring the lyrics). I did not find any other mean from a plugin.
• Matchlist can be traversed only forward. Since preceding items in the list could have been modified already. Going backward would raise the complexity to another level.
• Not all error handling done – still work in progress.
• Automatic cleanup when plugin window is closed
• UI of plugin windows. I am not a pro in QT and QML
• And maybe more
Improvements planned:
• More elaborate search pattern
o Match for beginning or end of syllable
o Patterns for spanning two adjacent syllables – would be very convenient to correct hyphenation mistakes
o Regular expressions (id this makes sense)
• Handling of melisma (underscore) where the end of a word is extended due to ties or slurs
I spent a couple of nights trying to find out how they are represented in the data model.
Any insights are welcome.
Any feedback, comments, suggestions for features or improvements welcome.
Thanks to the authors of plugins lilyrics and roblyric where I got some ideas on how to access lyrics from a plugin. The plugin API is still one of the sparcely covered areas of the documentation.
Attachment | Size |
PluginWindow.png | 41.06 KB |
MusescoreWindow.png | 169.79 KB |
LyricsSearchReplace.qml | 15.82 KB |
Please, add it also to Plugins page
In reply to Nice! Please, add it also to… by sammik
Thanks for your remark. I wanted to get some experience using this and may first feedback from other's.
In the meantime id did a quick test on Musescore 4 and with 2 minor modifications this seems to work as well.
I will add a bit more to the docu and publish afterwards
In reply to Thanks for your remark. I… by M.Thum
Is your Lyrics search replace plugin available for Musecore 4.4.2? Thanks
In reply to Is your Lyrics search… by fiddlerphoebe
Haven't tried yet - will do in next few days and adopt if necessary.
In reply to Is your Lyrics search… by fiddlerphoebe
I tried it in Musescore 4.4.3 and it seems to works - astonishly despite not using the "recommended" version on the imports. When i tried to use QtQuick 2.15 and QtQuick .Controls 2.15 the menu window was blank. Currently I don't have time for further investigation - but feel free to try and use. Any feedback and comments are welcome.
In reply to I tried it in Musescore 4.4… by M.Thum
In line 518(first version) / 579 (4) the parenthesis are missing after "curScore.endCmd"
Maybe that is an issue? (I dit not investigate further)
In reply to I tried it in Musescore 4.4… by M.Thum
Here's the plugin updated with native UI components.
By the way, i'm not sure syllable searching options are working correctly. Unless i missed something, you might want to recheck the function.
Excellent! I am so happy with your work. I even correct hyphenation with it, first searching and replacing for the first syllable, then for the second - and being careful to skip words that show up in between but are not part of the problem.
Is there a way to make the input fields a little bit bigger? For some reason on my pc it is very small, so that I cannot read what is in the boxes, making it harder to check the Replace Value.
Anyway, thank you very much! - Rudolf, amateur.
In reply to Excellent! I am so happy… by vei
Thanks for your comment. It seems that the size of the fields is dependent of the device. I am no QT UI expert but try to make fields bigger. I know about correcting hyphenation. It is on my worklist to expand the tool that it will allow this in one step - like replace "fee-ling" by "feel-ing". I keep you updated
In reply to Thanks for your comment. It… by M.Thum
Ha, that is interesting to know, about the device-dependent size. I'll also as my son if he knows anything about this, you never know!
Meanwhile, your plugin is already immensely useful for these large cantatas that we sometimes do. Thanks again.
In reply to Thanks for your comment. It… by M.Thum
I now think that my question was not clearly worded.
What I meant was that the input fields were somewhat too small to show the characters' full height.
My son showed me that dimensions are in variables in the plugin text file, so we tried changing 20 to 25, and that was enough to make all characters readable.
(As for the actual 'magic' of the plugin operation, that I will gladly leave with you...!)
Once again, thank you for this wonderful and time-saving gift to the Musescore community.