Software adds rests that I don't want

• Jun 30, 2024 - 21:11

I have a 4/4 measure with these objects, in order

a quarter note
an eighth note
quarter note triplets (taking 2 beats)
an eighth rest

I want to remove the rest and change the eighth note to a quarter note, thus staying a 4/4 measure.

When I remove the rest, the measure is changed to actual 7/8. Then I can't make the eight note a quarter note. If I change the measure back to 4/4, the uninvited quarter rest returns

How do I proceed?


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for musescore.mscz 16.82 KB


Apart from the first quarter note, delete the others and start again. That is seriously the quickest way to fix this rather than trying to lengthen a note, move notes etc. By delete, I mean delete the notes with [Del], not remove them (along with their time slot) with [Ctrl][Del].

You might also change the 8th note to the quarter that you want. Change the created rests to a half note rest, and reenter the triplet. My brain tends to work better doing similar steps. I.E. In this case not mixing deleting and entering. Enter 1/4 note. Enter half rest. Enter triplet.
People often ask to be able to insert things and have things move over. But you'd have to put limits on it, and that might take more time.

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