Fix errors in an import and additional questions.

• Aug 16, 2024 - 19:35

I'm a hobbyist and have only used Musescore previously to convert PDFs so I'm not an experienced user. I'm now trying to use the program for more things, but I've run into a situation with a .XML export from Reaper 7. When imported into Musescore 4.3, the file gives a message that it is corrupted, but it still can be imported. Most obvious was the sustain pedal info came in misaligned, but I deleted those as they are not necessary for this. However, I noticed that many note lengths have also been altered. The piece is in 3/4 and many first chords in a bar have dotted half notes (3 beats) dotted.png

They are not this way in the Reaper notation. The top Bb in the image should only be a half note. However, If I change it in Musescore, it changes all three notes in the chord. Should that happen?

Shouldn't I be able to edit the length of only that note? Is this a function of Musescore, or is the .xml import being corrupted in other ways? Also, when I save I get warning errors that I think are related to this. I think the incorrect note lengths are not adding up for the time signature?

The image is measure 2, and the lowers staff is staff 3 of the first error below.

Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 2, staff 3. Found: 7/8. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 3, staff 1. Found: 8/8. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 3, staff 2. Found: 11/8. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 4, staff 2. Found: 4/4. Expected:
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 30, staff 3. Found: 11/8. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 31, staff 1. Found: 7/8. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 31, staff 2. Found: 13/16. Expected: 3/4.


Can you post the XML file that is causing the problem? MuseScore may just be saying what it sees and the XML file may not be perfect.

In reply to by artisland08

Reaper has put all notes in the same voice in the MusicXML file. MuseScore simply assumes this to be correct, thus for the piano part all notes go either into staff 2 voice 1 or into staff 3 voice 1. Reaper did correctly encode the Bb3 as a half note without a dot, but because it is in the same voice as the (dotted half) Bb1 and Bb2, it goes into the same chord in MuseScore and in MuseScore all notes in a chord have the same duration, which explains the extra dot.

For reference, the attached image shows the result of importing the file into Finale NotePad, which automatically handles this (note the different colors).

Besides the voice issue, there are a number of other areas where Reaper's MusicXML encoding seems incorrect (e.g. the two dotted quarter notes in measure 3 staff 1 partially overlap, the measure rest in measure 17 staff 1 has a duration of 4/4 instead of 3/4).

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks all for your efforts! I have discovered that the Numa Player Piano VST I was using in Reaper for this is probably causing my problem. Although it plays the MIDI correctly, when rendered to audio it is out of time and off the grid! This has been driving me insane thinking my hearing is off. On a lark, I tried changing the Piano VST and suddenly the MIDI both plays and renders to audio correctly! I suspect this is what resulted in all the corruptions Musescore found in the file.

I made mono renders from Reaper of both Numa Player and Key Zone Classic. I then imported next to the MIDI track. Key Zone sounded correct and aligned perfectly with the midi! Numa did not. Later I will try a Reaper export to Musescore using the Key Zone Piano and see if the MIDI exports correctly.
Again, thanks for all your efforts in helping me.

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In reply to by Leon Vinken

"in MuseScore all notes in a chord have the same duration, which explains the extra dot."

Hmmm? But we can arpeggiate a chord where all the notes have different durations? I just tried entering the notes as such and Musescore won't let me. I'm new to all this, but I would think the software would allow me to write that?

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