Images on score are darker when exported

• Sep 1, 2024 - 21:33

I am currently writing a score, and added some footnotes with images. It looks fine whenever I am working on it, but whenever I export it, the image seemed to get a little darker.



Attachment Size
exported.PNG 7.87 KB
unexported.PNG 6.17 KB


i can't tell the difference visually.

I looked at the two images using imview (a small linux utility) and most of the unexported image has a background of 249 (just short of bright white). The EXPORTED image has a background mostly of 255 (pure white) with small areas of 249. So, as far as those images go, it seems that the exported version is actually a smidgen brighter overall.

If you export those images (in footnotes) using Musescore, checkbox "Transparent background" should be set for PNG format.

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