How to make more systems on page?

• Nov 20, 2024 - 21:35

I'm working on a transcription of a Grieg's "Morning Mood" and stumbled upon a problem. On some pages I have 3 systems, but I need 4 (on each page). Is it possible?

And I don't need to resize the whole score.

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Утро.mscz 155.21 KB


In reply to by Kibayu23

Dear Max,
Firstly, I am glad that you have found a solution.
I often find that the moment I ask a question online,
I stumble upon an answer. Cheers! I have also found
that when I close down MuseScore 4, it sometimes
seems to quietly work on the problem and all
parts will magically fit, next time I open
the programme.

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