Muse Sounds Manager - Linux - How do I add stuff

• Dec 16, 2024 - 17:42

This maybe a daft question but I cant figure it out.

Muse Guitars Vol2...( On Linux Machine)
How do I get this in Linux ?
The MuseHUB buttons on the website do nothing (no application)
The MuseSounds Manager dosent have a list new stuff section. And its not in the displayed list ?

What am I missing ?


In reply to by paulfurze

Linux Muse Sounds Manager is just a download application.
Muse Hub for Windows/Mac is a download application, with payment facilities and DRM.
As long as those are not implemented in the Linux application, it will be impossible to use commercial sounds.
It is a Muse management decision to build - or not - this into Muse Sounds Manager.
Nobody here knows why they decided to not support commercial sounds with Linux.
Perhaps they think no Linux users will buy the libraries anyway, either because they think we are all categorical opposed against closed source software or we are all penniless beggars.
There could be other reasons, i am just guessing.
At least these two arguments are absolutely false.
I have not given up hope they change their minds.

In reply to by graffesmusic

I absolutely agree!!!
I love to use MuseScore and hope, that MuseSounds as well will stop ignoring the LINUX community and implement the new Guitars Vol2 for download!
Hope that finally the TC-sound will be better than the LP sound in total and the distorted SC sounds in Guitar Vol1!!!
Meanwhile I use a VST3 (TL-GFX) to get more realistic sounds out of the SC-Clean!!
And YES!!
Although I am a LINUX-USER I payed for that VST, as it fits to my needs!!
A big THX to graffesmusic who always adds the VST functionality to the new MuseScore Versions!!!

In reply to by dtrrase

So, heres a thing.
We recorded each instrument in our band and made our own soundfont.
For my guitar, I recorded each and every patch I use for songs. Same for Bass and Keys.
It works well like that.

Im still amazed that MS management is so against Linux.
Here's us lot asking to be able to buy stuff and the reason they state is that we wont buy stuff /smh

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