Dynamics between p and mp, mp and mf, mf and f ?

• Jan 3, 2025 - 18:28

Is there any development possible to add dynamics that are between the standard dynamics,
for many times mp is too quiet and mf too loud (same with p and mp and mf and f ) ?
Shouldn't be that difficult.


"Shouldn't be that difficult" - that's the spirit. It's a free program and you're free to contribute to its development. What do you propose to call your new dynamics - mmp, qf (quasi-forte) etc.? And would they apply equally to all instruments or would it be better to have a matrix of loudnesses that apply differently to different instruments?

In reply to by SteveBlower

Not when you make music and have the playback option as the only way to hear it as realistic as possible.
99% of the MuseScore-composers won't be able to have musicians to play it for them.
When in those rare cases a piece will get an orchestra to play it for you, you always can change the text.

In reply to by SteveBlower

First of all, I believe OP's question is first and foremost about how they want it to sound in their export. A problem I myself have all the time.

But as for notation, intermediate dynamics are not new. Choir directors, band conductors, piano teachers, etc. are quite used to saying things like, "I know it says mf, but let's actually sing it mf+," or "It says mp, but let's sing it mp-, not quite p because we want to have some contrast when we get to the p section." This is not a new thing.

In MS3 you can define custom velocity levels for any dynamic marking or set the velocity level manually on any note. I tend to mark custom dynamics with a + symbol. So, for somewhere between f and ff I would mark it as f+ and set the custom dynamic accordingly.

See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/dynamics

If you are using MS4 then you will need an MS4 user to make suggestions.

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