Is there a Menu Option to switch between Note Entry / Note Edit mode?
If not, please make this a feature request.
II use MuseScore (4 now) rarely -- generally wnen I need to convert a simple score to tabs, or transpose it.
I add a single note and voila! I am now magically in "note entry" mode and can find no way to get out of it so I can delete a mistake.
On another forum, I found that "N" is the magic key that switches between the two modes.
Awesome -- ONCE YOU KNOW the magic key. A menu option (which I may have missed, absent an exhaustive search) would make it easy to a) Change the mode and b) Discover the magic key.
How did you find out how to enter notes? I hope you didn't expect to just open the software and start punching keys. And there is a menu option that tells you what the key is. Two, as a mater of fact.
In reply to How did you find out how to… by bobjp
Good to know, thanks. I looked all over, and managed to miss them both.
(Sure would love a simplified version for the little set of things I do!)
Ordinarily, one would activate "Note Entry" mode and stay in it for a while, entering multiple notes. I generally enter a whole musical or lyrical phrase at a time, or if I'm transcribing, a whole system. If you make a mistake, Ctrl+Z is Undo, which simply undoes the last action, leaving you exactly where you were before. If you realize that you made a mistake 10 or 20 notes ago, you could go back with repeated Ctrl+Z, but it's probably easiest in that case to simply continue entering and go back to fix the mistake once you have completed the system or phrase that you are entering.
In reply to Ordinarily, one would… by TheHutch
Thanks. I'm gradually learning how to "fix a mistake". I'd love to see all of the notes to the end of score automatically shift when I change a duration--but I don't think that's how things work.
In reply to Thanks. I'm gradually… by forwardtoeric
You can do something LIKE that, but definitely not directly. Switch the "note entry" mode from "Default (step time)" mode (icon is a pencil) to "Insert" (icon is a quarter note with a plus sign). Then enter the correct duration note. This will insert that value note before the incorrect note. Use Ctrl+Delete to delete the incorrect duration note.
You will notice that the measure now has a + (plus sign) or - (minus sign) over its end. This indicates that the measure does not match the length that the current time signature would imply. This is understandable: you just replaced one duration with another. So you've got to correct the rest of the measure. Much simpler to simply enter the rhythm correctly to begin with.