Playback not working

• Jan 27, 2025 - 18:41

When first insalled, musescore will work properly, but when the application is closed and opened again the playback option does not work, with the blue cursor staying still. I'm also not getting playback when a note is selected. This is fixed if I uninstall and reinstall, but then the problem happens again when musescore is closed and opened. Under preferences, it will recognize the audio device, but there is no buffer size, and will not select one when I click an option.

Linked video shows my issue from my side:

Thank you!

MuseScore Studio 4.4.4
Windows 11

Attachment Size
Ready Wednesday Intro.mscz 34.74 KB


Works fine here (4.4.4 / Windows 10) and Muse Sounds / Muse Keys (Grand Piano)

EDIT: I also tried it under Windows11, and it worked fine too.
Ditto with MS Basic.

Question: do you have this problem only with this score, or with others, or with all of them? And recently, or since today?
Last thing: in the menu Diagnostic / Muse Sampler / Check Muse Sampler menu, what do you read as the detected version? It should be version 0.100.7

Video playback.gif

I have the same issue; when I try to play, my side looks exactly like your side from the video. The play button turns to a pause button when clicked, but nothing plays.

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