Replaced instrument name doesn't change
I changed the name of the instruments in a score, and the new names show up in the score. However, when I click "Parts" the old instrument names are displayed.
I changed the name of the instruments in a score, and the new names show up in the score. However, when I click "Parts" the old instrument names are displayed.
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Try this:
In reply to Try this: 1. Copen the score… by DanielR
Thank you for your response, but it did not seem to work. Even after closing and relaunching MS4.4 the old instrument names are displayed in the "parts" tabs and part instrument names.
It would seem the instrument names are stored in more than one location, which suggests a data-corruption type of error.
In reply to Thank you for your response,… by tpgettys
Please attach this score.
In reply to Please attach this score. by cadiz1
I have "processed" two more scores, and found that after closing MS and then reloading them the behavior is gone, so it seems to happen only while the file as not been reloaded yet. It looks like the "fix" is simply to close and reopen.
In reply to Please attach this score. by cadiz1
Huh, well, this score seems to be different. The instrument names in the parts are the old ones, even after closing and reopening MS4.4. Do you see that behavior also?
In reply to Huh, well, this score seems… by tpgettys
Are you talking about Alto Recorder 2? It's displayed in the Instruments panel and on the score, but when you look at the (currently uncreated) Parts, you see Alto Recorder (1). And if you rename it to Alto Recorder 2, after Save/Reload, the Alto Recorder (1) is still there: 1East-fancy08.mscz
Was this your concern?
On the other hand, if you now rename for Alto Recorder 2, and actually create the Parts (Parts / Open All), then, after Save / Reload, it's OK: 2East-fancy08.mscz
In reply to Are you talking about Alto… by cadiz1
When I load the file I posted and click "parts", I see instruments in the violin family, despite the instruments and names I gave them. Do you not see that? When I create all parts the violin names are shown on them as well.
FYI: I am using v4.4.4. The behavior I see with the file I upload does not occur with the files you linked to.
In reply to When I load the file I… by tpgettys
I see that the source of your file is in MIDI format.
Could you please attach this original MIDI file
(so before your changes in MuseScore)
In reply to I see that the source of… by cadiz1
Sure thing; here you go...
In reply to Sure thing; here you go... by tpgettys
"I changed the name of the instruments in a score, and the new names show up in the score. However, when I click "Parts" the old instrument names are displayed"
What you didn't say in your initial message was that 1. it was a score from a MIDI source and that 2. you had changed the instruments (Recorders family) in version 3. And when you open it with V4 (without having first created the parts in V3), well, it comes in V4 with the initial instruments of the Violins family. All you have to do is create the parts (in V4) and the update takes place immediately.
And if you make this instruments change in V4, and create the parts, everything operates normally: V4EastM-fancy08.mscz
In reply to I changed the name of the… by cadiz1
huh. There is a set of 12 MIDI files, and I processed each in the same way, using only v4.4.4, transposing and changing the instruments from the violin family to recorder. version 3 was not involved. Some had the behavior I reported, and some did not. Evidently you think there is no problem, so let's not worry anymore about it.
Thank you for looking into it.
In reply to huh. There is a set of 12… by tpgettys
For some reason, and based on previous posts, I thought you were using version 3, or version 3 also (which is a fairly common occurrence, and unfortunately tends to confuse some replies). I may have confused you with someone else, if so, I'm sorry. And, for another reason, because I don't see any problem with V4 (and I was looking elsewhere for your concern)
In short: I open your MIDI file with V4 (4.4.4), I replace the instruments (eg in Staff/Part Properties), say for the Recorders family, I save As/reopen, I look in the Parts, I've got the Recorders : 3EastM-fancy08.mscz
I do it a second time, with the Flutes family, save As/reopen, look in the Parts, I've got the Flutes: 4EastM-fancy08.mscz
And one last time, for the Guitars family, still the same, it's Ok for me: 5EastM-fancy08.mscz
In reply to For some reason, and based… by cadiz1
No worries cadiz1. I found that if I go through the instruments and simply click "Apply" on each one without changing anything the new instrument names appear in the parts.
In reply to No worries cadiz1. I found… by tpgettys
Continuing the investigation, I guess you had to be taken at your word when you used the word “Rename” (I quote, in first message: "I changed the name of the instruments in a score")
In fact, when you import this kind of file format (MIDI, MusicXLM), for MuseScore to set things up correctly, you need to “Replace” the instruments, not just rename them. Replace instruments will automatically rename them, including in Parts (after Save/Reopen of course)
In reply to When I load the file I… by tpgettys
Perhaps you can use the Parts dialog to rename the Parts? (Click the 3 dots next to the partname and select rename)
I believe the sync between the name of the instrument you used and creating the parts is not always syncing.
It might be that MS believes you intentionally used a different name for the part and therefore does not change it when changing the instrument name.