Not full screen
i want my pages in Musescore to be not full screen. How can i do that? Every time i open a file, it is full screen and i have to minimize it.
i want my pages in Musescore to be not full screen. How can i do that? Every time i open a file, it is full screen and i have to minimize it.
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I don't understand. Can you give clearer information as to what you want and what shows up?
In reply to I don't understand. Can you… by xavierjazz
If i open a Musescore-file it’s a fullscreen file (i have a 27 inch screen) and i want a smaller file to use other parts of the screen at the same time. So now i have to minimize the Musescore-window every time i open a new file. What i am looking for: a setting for Musescore to open any file with a precise width and not fullscreen
In reply to If i open a Musescore-file… by musicoloogster
First, I'm describing Windows. If your computer is a Mac, there may be slight differences, particularly of the buttons that I'm describing.
Now, the terms "Full screen", "Maximize", "Minimize", and "Restore" have very specific meanings and I believe that you are using them wrong.
"Maximize" means that the application window (not the "file") fills the screen. It shows the window's margins, which contain--among other things--the "System buttons" in the upper right to "Minimize" (the dash), "Restore" (the two windows), or "Close" (the X) the application window.
"Minimize" means that the application window is as small as it can be. It only appears as an item on your toolbar, across the bottom of your screen.
"Restore" means that the application window has a particular size (which can be changed by dragging one of the edges or one of the corners of the window) and a particular position (which can be changed by dragging the top margin of the window).
These first three are actions that are controlled by your computer's operating system. By contrast, "Full screen" is something that the application does, rather than the operating system. In "Full screen" mode the application fills the screen to the point that it doesn't even show the margins, so the three system buttons do not even appear. This mode can only be changed by doing an appropriate action in the application.
I believe that you mean that the MuseScore Studio application always opens in the Maximize state and that you have to Restore it to use it with other windows on your monitor. Try this: Open MuseScore Studio, in the top right corner, I expect that you have three buttons, looking like this:
If I'm wrong, stop here and correct me (provide a screenshot or describe what is in the upper right in great detail) the rest of the instructions assume that I'm right. :-)
Now, assuming I'm right, the middle button (two squares, one overlapping the other) is "Restore". Click there and the window will change from taking up the entire screen to only taking a portion of it. Move the window (by dragging the top margin) and/or size it (drag a side edge or a corner). Then exit MuseScore.
Now, open MuseScore Studio again. It should open with the same size and position that you set. Most applications (and MuseScore Studio is one of them) will "remember" the size and position the window was last set to, and will "remember" that it was "Maximized" or "Restored". However, if the window was "Minimized", it will open in the "Maximized" state.
Hope this helps!