Transposing Hymns

• Feb 19, 2025 - 20:41

I am new to Musescore and am trying to use it for searching for specific hymns or Christian songs in order to transpose and print out piano scores in a certain key although I haven't signed up for one of the MuseScore plans. This works well for some songs by searching for the song/hymn, clicking on 'Edit on desktop' and then transposing and printing from the desktop app. On other songs however the 'Edit on Desktop' doesn't show up. Can anyone tell me why this is please and how I can get all songs to be edited on the desktop app?

Attachment Size
edit on desktop problem.pdf 17.95 KB


In reply to by Asher S.

Thanks for your reply. It might not be the best use of of the Studio software but it works OK. I go to, find the music I want, click on 'edit on desktop' which takes me to the Musescore Studio software which I have installed on my desktop. I then print off the transposed copy from the desktop app. Can you say why you don't recommend getting a subscription?

In reply to by Barnarjo

The free trial options on subscriptions can be problematic. A number of users have complained that these turn out to be anything but free, (use Google if you want to know more), and hard to cancel. The non-free trial subscriptions seem to be fine: you get whatever you paid for, so check the details carefully before commiting.

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