Instruments Suddenly Very Quiet

• Mar 10, 2025 - 06:52

Hi all,

I've been working on an arrangement of Away in a Manger for a Christmas concert at the end of the year. The woodwinds at bars 9-10 are loud and crescendo and decrescendo from f-ppp. The next time they come in isn't till bar 32, and all the woodwinds are extremely quiet but the horn is very loud. I've done what previous forums have suggested and have checked the mixer settings. I've turned up the winds as loud as they can go, and they're still super quiet. The French horn (which has exactly the same dynamic treatment in bars 7-8 as the woodwinds), is loud. I wonder if, in some way, the ppp has been applied to the woodwinds incorrectly but not to the horn? Can someone check out the attached score and let me know? Thanks.

Attachment Size
Away in a Manger.mscz 89.06 KB


If you tell the woodwinds to be ppp they will remain ppp until told otherwise. The horms were mf and will remain mf until you tell them otherwise. Just because there is a long gap since an instrument played doesn't mean that it will revert to a default volume.

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