Can't convert convert pdf into mszc file

• Mar 16, 2025 - 10:27

I'm trying to use musescore's service for converting pdf to mscz files, but nothing happens after i press save. This is after I have filled in all required information. I have attached an image (I have already selected a pdf)

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2025-03-16.png 39.93 KB


Works as expected here.
1. Are you logged in to
2. At the bottom right of your image, there's something unexpected: "Activate Windows... "
What is it?

In reply to by cadiz1

  1. Yes, i am logged in
  2. Idk about that. I'm using a laptop owned by my family, and it has been "unactivitated" for years at this point. I've tried to activate it in the past, but there has always been issues preventing me from doing this. Anyways, I have actually successfully converted pdfs into mscz files on this device previously (last time was 6 months ago)

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