Can someone create a plugin to allow an instrument track to be prelaid or delayed by a new milliseconds, to mimic real musicians?
I and several other Musescore members seek a means to delay an instrument or pre-lay it by a few milliseconds, just as a real orchestra would do when the notes are being played by actual musicians. Perhaps in the Inspector, a + ___ ms, or a - ___ ms option could be made for one note or a range of notes in a track, so that the instrument on that track would play or tell the musician to play those notes a bit before or after the other tracks in the score. This would not only truly mimic what a real orchestra does (no one plays their instruments exactly at the same time for all tracks), but would make the virtual player in Musescore 3 or 4 sound more realistic. Hopefully, a plugin to do this on one or more tracks would not be hard to create (would it)???
A plugin would be easy in MS3 because the plugin API has access to the note's start time, (it can be brought forward or delayed), but MS4 does not (yet) support this.
If you use MS3 then have a play with BSG's articulation plugin to see if your proposal actually sounds good in practise.
In fact that plugin may be sufficient for your use case.
In reply to A plugin would be easy in… by yonah_ag
Yonah ag: Thanks for the post. I have DockArticulation already but don't really use it because I don't really understand what it does. The other of BSG's Plugins don't exactly do what I think I am after. Trillers in particular probably won't work on single notes without adding trills, which I don't want to do. As such, since I already use Musescore 3.62 exclusively, how difficult would it be to create a plugin that will allow any instrument track to be accelerated or delayed by just a few milliseconds? Is this something you could tackle?
In reply to Yonah ag: Thanks for the… by fsgregs
As I said, it would be easy. I'll take a look at the weekend. I'm not convinced that it will help but I'm willing to be surprised.