Adjusting/Mixing Individual Instruments With Mixed Percussion
Currently in musescore, you can adjust the volume/reverb of every instrument in a score with the mixer. With the new mixed percussion feature you can adjust the volume/reverb as a whole, but not for the individual instruments. This starts to pose some problems, for example, in a score I am making at forte and above levels with a snare/bass drum part all you hear is bass drum and the snare is super quiet. I would love to hear able to adjust the volume and reverb for each so I can make these adjustments. Thanks.
Put each instrument in different staves. Then you have access to separate dynamics and/or separate mixers for each. When they are all in a single staff (a "drum kit" instrument), then there is only one set of dynamics and one mixer for that staff.
In reply to Put each instrument in… by TheHutch
Yeah but that would really clutter up the score especially with some percussion parts having up to 4 instruments playing at once, so it would be a lot more convenient for them to add this as a feature.
In reply to Yeah but that would really… by brendan6962
You asked a question about playback. Playback and display/print are often at odds. This is simply an issue where they are fighting with one another.
Get the piece to as "finished" as possible and then create a second score file for playback. Or create that second score for display/print.
Another possibility to consider is to determine which instruments have dynamic changes together. Those instruments can stay on a single staff.