forcing music to fit/manually adjusting note spacing

• Apr 1, 2018 - 03:19

Hi all, I'm a finale pro but musescore newbie. Working on existing musescore files for Rachmaninoff Vespers (meaning choral, nontraditional measures). Changed the lyric font from freeserif to PT Serif (a google font that's easier to read, etc.). I'm getting by mostly OK, but the font increased lyric size ever so slightly, and the very last system just won't fit anymore. In Finale there are plenty of ways to manually reduce spacing (not all those half notes need so much room), but I don't see a way in MS. I have hammered the "stretch" key till the cows came home and see no changes. Is there anything I'm missing? I know I can mess with staff scaling, but that breaks all the crescendos' placement, and so on.


Using the Layout->Page Settings... and changing the scaling to 1.65 fit the entire measure on the page.

The problem with the crescendos is that you put them in one spot and then moved them somewhere else. In measure 6 for example, if you want the crescendo to go from the F to the G in the soprano, then select from the F to the G and apply the crescendo. You can then fine tune its display. Once you do this, scaling will not have such a large effect on their displays.

In reply to by Joey Hoelscher

You can reduce the space before all or several notes at a time using the inspector. Select the section of notes, press the notes button in the inspector, then change the leading space to as much as -1. This may make the display look cramped since the notes are larger and spacing is smaller. I prefer to use the small scaling adjustment for a better appearance. Once you do either of these you will need to fix the crescendi, so you might as well delete and reenter them if you must fix them any way.

Reducing stretch works only to a point - eventually you run into the minimum note distance set in Style / General / Measure. You can reduce that, but I think you'll like the result better if you delete the invisible rests and maybe reduce staff size slightly.

OK all, same topic, different specific. Director wants all of Rehearsal A on the second system of p1, along with "nashemu Bogu". This matches a public domain typeset score. I managed to figure out how to change the invisible time signature and fit the notes into the measure, but it forces it to the next page. Is this one fixable? Is there a way to get "nashemu Bogu. Priidite, poklonimsya i pripadyem" all on one line?

Attachment Size
Rach_Vesp_01_Come let us worship2.mscz 35.31 KB

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